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127. Pay Off

126. The Setup

125. Day 5

124. Escape Attempt

123. The Mission

122. Day 4

121. They Completed

120. Blaze and Geralt

119. Get Relief

118. Day 3

117. Ian Wins

116. Foreplay

115. Find Them

114. Day 2

113. She Sees It

112. The Manor

111. New Objectives

110. Try to Evade

109. Keep the Price

108. Bond

Another Hit Completed

avatar on 2021-01-10 16:05:53

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Eight names were redacted. They were Duke Bastion, Duke Felix, Kenny Davids, Harold Cartian, Lee James, Jessie Peterson, Wendelin and Blaze. Kenny thought it was very ironic. This time, it was not any of the normal agents of the crown. It was straight from the top and experimental symbiotes that only recently got citizenships. "If this is true, it has to be one of these four." Michael Hartwin said as he circled four names in red. Kenny pointed at the name of Lee James. It was not circled. "Why is he not circled here?" Kenny asked. "He is not someone to look at as I have it on good authority that Lee James is dead. Killed in some political backroom struggle. Whether he did this or not, I have to look at the ones that are still alive." was the answer he got. It was then that a knock on the door broke their focus. "Who is it? We're too busy here to be disturbed!" Michael demanded, annoyance on his face. The door opened and a man with suspiciously indigo tinted skin walked in. "Urkel? That you!? What's happened to your skin?" the Hartwin noble asked in serious alarm. The man pulled out the gun.

Ian shot Michael Hartwin before he could even react to the man. The man then closed the door as he move further in the room. Miraculously, he had not killed him yet in the ambush. Two more shots to the head solved that big problem. The next problem was solved in the same way. The symbiosis then pointed the gun to its own head. It only took a second to pull the trigger. The indigo ooze caught the bullet as it appeared on the other side of the man's head. It fell harmlessly to the floor. The ooze then receded and revealed the corpse. It was a young man whose hand was still gripping the gun. Ian smiled at his handiwork and said "That was pretty fun. Let's get out of here before they notice." Kenny nodded and said "Let me take all the documents back. That is the smoking gun." He pilled all the documents he could in his briefcase. If they fell in the wrong hands, it would bring ruin down on all his family. When he was done, he said "I've got what I need." They then walked out the study and down the stairs. Jeffery was at the front door when he saw them. He looked concerned. Kenny stopped to talk.

He looked at the old servant and smiled. "Thank you for allowing me to talk to your young master. It was a nice visit. I'm sure he will get to the bottom of this case." Ian's face was a smile as he nodded. Jeffery looked skeptical at the pair. "While I am very pleased you have seen through to our young master's charm, I do not believe this is something worth investing such time in." Kenny raised an eyebrow. "You are an Alpha, huh?" he asked. "I must confess I am a bit of a traditionalist." he said before he cleared his throat in an effort to regain his composure. "Well, I'm sure you would not understand the plight of an Omega like me." Kenny said. "I'm afraid I would not, my lord." Kenny and Ian walked passed him. Jeffries spoke up and said "I do not remember letting you in, sir. Who are you?" Ian turned around and said "I don't know what you mean. I was let in. I'm a servant of Kenny's." Kenny looked at him and said "That's Lord Davids to you." Ian nodded and said "Yes, my lord." They then walked to the door. Jeffery sighed and opened it for them. "Have a good afternoon, my lord." They were both free.

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