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62. Interlude. School days

61. What Happened in the bathroom.

60. The life of Mrs. Jane Holloway

59. The fate of Sarah McMillian

58. The slightly better known hist

57. The secret History of Sarah Mc

56. The secret history of Sarah Mc

55. Hosts, houses and remeetings

54. Gateway to Adventure

53. Before: The origins of Sarah's

52. The Ride Over

51. Team meeting: take a side

50. What happened to Delia

49. Delia changes her fate.

48. Meeting Part 2, drama revelati

47. The next day, a meeting part 1

46. Check in with the rest of the

45. Closer effects

44. Wider effects

43. Jen and Karyn and the stone

Interlude. School days

on 2016-07-27 20:47:29

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The next day school resumed, which was had become a strange experience for many of them. Few of them had classes together, and it being a large school it was hard to even run into each other during the day, that made the rare encounters all the more meaningful.

In the hall between p3-p4, Trinity and Karyn:

"What are you wearing!"
"It's a dress."
"It's winter!"
"Yeah, but I have leggings on. It's fine. It's comfy!"
"You really are buying too much into thing, Karyn."
"Oh come on. It's fine. I just wanted to try something new."
"I'm keeping you on bimbo watch." (Trinity pulls out her phone and takes a pic)
(Karyn smiles for the camera) "Cheese! Hey! I'm not a bimbo!"
"We'll see. Just cause Sarah's gone doesn't mean it's over."
the bell rings.
"yeah...sure, might as well be safe. See you later?"

The Cafeteria, Jenny and Jade.

"So can you tell anything different from before?"
"Just a lot more guys looking at me. I try not to make eye contact."
" Well that's normal for you anyway."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well you are sort of a nerdy type...I mean before."
"Hey I still like Star Trek, and I'm still good at math."
" and apparently your still socially awkward."
" Am not. I just don't want you know...that."
" wait...are you saying you're like..."
"No! I mean...I don't know...Are you?"
"I don't think so...I mean...I haven't really thought about it."
" Me either. Well...that will be an interesting problem to solve."
"And how do you suppose we do that?"
"Well...we've got most of the school here. We could walk around, see if there is anyone we like?"
They looked around, a mass of people surrounding them. Some waving as they walked by, and most of those people waving at Jenny.
"I'm good I think."
"Yeah...probably a bad idea."

The Hallway after school. Nadine and Delilah.

"So I see your still dressed up for the team."
"yeah, that was all so freaky...It felt like the right thing to do. For Sarah."
"You know you were never actually friends with her."
"That's not how I remember it though. I still remember all of it like it happened. We grew up together...." (Delilah gets teary)
"Hey, it's ok." Nadine gave her a hug.
"can I pray with you?"
", that's ok. Actually I did want to ask you.....she said that stuff was part of Sarah, and you got it on you."
"Yeah. It was pretty weird."
"What was it like?"
"It felt sort of bubbly, and warm...and....I don't really..."
"Do you feel different?"
"Like am I more like Sarah? I don't think so....I mean I can't do a cartwheel or anything."
"But how do you feel?"
"The same I guess? I mean I am still getting used to the first changes..."
"Ok. Alright. Ummm. Forget I said anything. It was good to see you Nad."
"You too Delilah. I'm here if you need to talk."

There were two days of school left before winter break. They woun't see each other for three weeks.

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