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120. Blaze and Geralt

119. Get Relief

118. Day 3

117. Ian Wins

116. Foreplay

115. Find Them

114. Day 2

113. She Sees It

112. The Manor

111. New Objectives

110. Try to Evade

109. Keep the Price

108. Bond

107. Geralt Leaks

106. Sale Venue

105. Brianna Agrees

104. Calm Her Down

103. The Next Mission

102. The Murder

101. The Party Planning

Restroom Dalliance

avatar on 2021-01-05 13:55:19

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Seeing an Alpha and Switch practically beg for his dick got him rock hard very quickly. Kenny got behind Blaze and said "Okay. Get ready." "I'm always ready to fuck your brains out, Kenny." Blaze scoffed. Kenny then pushed in and moaned at the sensation. Kenny did not want to admit it out loud, but Blaze was tighter and warmer inside than Geralt was. Kenny had no clue why that would be the case other than Blaze was a later model and designed to be much stronger and better at sex. Blaze was giving Kenny all the standard sympathetic sighs and pants as he thrusted in and out. The pleasure received from sex was overwhelming. Even then, Kenny remembered to give a reach around to Blaze. He gave long strokes to his dick while continuing to fuck into him. The brown symbiote gave him an appreciative, genuine sigh. Seven minutes later, he warned Blaze he was getting close to his intense climax. It was then Blaze said "Me too!" Kenny glared and squeezed tight on Blaze's dick. He gasped and Kenny said "Don't you dare fake it! I only want what I earned." Blaze shuddered and moaned lewdly.

Kenny came hard and deep inside Blaze. He was tired and rested on Blaze's back. The symbiote under him said "You got me to dribble out a bit of precum. That is much better than I was expecting from you." Kenny did not grant Blaze with a response. Blaze began panting and fidgeted. "Uh, can you get off of me for a bit?" Kenny looked at him in confusion. "Is something wrong?" he asked. Blaze shook his head. "No. You're... fine. I just... don't think I can handle not bonding with you much longer if we stay connected." he said. Kenny understood and pulled out of Blaze. He stood up and looked at the brown symbiote. Blaze had a full body shiver run through him before he sighed in relief. "That was good, Kenny. You're getting better." he said with a smile. Geralt cleared his throat and said "It's my turn!" Kenny smiled and moved over to him. He let himself get hard before thrusting in Geralt right away. Kenny took his time as he was still a bit tired from his time with Blaze. Geralt thrusted back in response to goad him into putting in more work. Kenny was almost overwhelmed. "Alright alright. I'll do it right." he said.

Although he said that, he could only last five minutes before he had his second orgasm. Kenny was really spent and he rested on Geralt's back. Geralt did not look too happy. In fact, he was sulking. "Geez. If you were the type that could really only go one round, you should have just said so. We would have double teamed you until you gave in and let one of us bond with you. We could have all cum that way." Blaze leaned on top of Kenny and pressed some of his weight on the pair. Kenny grunted from the pressure while Geralt remained firm under him. "It's not too late. We still have some time left." he said with hope in his voice. Kenny said "I thought that I told you no bonding. I need to be able to move if we are going to do the deal. Get off me Blaze." Blaze and Geralt both looked disappointed. Kenny caved and checked his watch. It was only seventeen minutes out from the morning. An idea passed through his head. "Fine! You have fifteen minutes. You can fuck each other if you're still horny." The symbiotes looked at each other before smiling. "Half and Half." they said in unison. They then fucked until time elapsed.

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