It's not an uncommon sight, a pretty blonde, hunched over a toilet, someone holding her hair back, but this was different. This wasn't a body who had too much to drink, this was a full on evacuation, an inversion of a person, it wasn't just the contents of her stomach which flew forth, but all of her in the form of viscous slime, to the point where you could swear you saw some of her soul in the muck. It was easy to see that something was very wrong.
Suddenly from behind the girls heard the voice they had come to hate and fear.
"Don't go near her!"
It was Mrs. Holloway as she rushed past them to Sarah's side. Sarah looked up, holding down the spew for a few moments. Mrs. Holloway looked in her eyes with a look of concern and Sarah returned that gaze with fear, theIr contact broken by the crushing need to continue vomiting. Mrs. Holloway took one look at it and made her cynical diagnosis. She plugged up the bathtub, and turned Sarah towards it.
"We need to keep as much of this as we can!" She grabbed a cup and started baling as much of the goo into the tub with what Sarah was generously contributing. Sarah seemed to shrink, becoming scrawny, her hair lost it's color, turning brown.
"What did you do?" Mrs. Holloway turned to the gawking crowd of girls, who were equal parts grossed out by the onslaught of sick, and curious. There was something about the slime that seemed to draw them to it.
"Nothing! She invited us over and we found her like this!"
"She's just like, got sick recently, she was fine an hour ago." Delilah offered flustered.
As Sarah emptied and the tub filled, the girls all found themselves staring at the contents of the tub. All except Delilah, who fawned and fretted over the fading body of her friend. Mrs. Holloway did her best to comfort the fading Sarah, who's brown hair had faded farther to grey, her body becoming skeletal, razor thin. From grey her hair passed on to white and then fell out of her head completely, falling into the tub with the rest of the slime, becoming slim itself.
"She's reducing! The spell can't hold anymore!" What was left of the former Sarah began to steam, which had a smell to it unpleasant smell to Mrs. Holloway, but an increasing lovely smell to the other girls, depending on who they were. Mrs. Holloway turned away in disgust but when she saw the way the girls were all reacting something clicked in her head.
"Everybody out!" She picked up the frail tiny body of Sarah in her arms like a baby. "Now!" She said with authority, breaking the girls out of the stupor that the steam seemed to have the girls in. They all ran out in a hurry, as a boney face stared on, helplessly. Sarah had spewed out all she had in her, now empty and steaming in the arms of Mrs. Holloway, she seemed to lose even the things which make a person human. The door closed with a slam. A minute passed, it sounded like soft words and tears on the other side of the door, and then BAM! A puff of smoke blew out from under the door. The house shook like an earthquake had struck, the walls unsure if they should still stand, no longer knowing who they stood for. Sarah, the vortex of cheerleader charm magic which had raised that house. Was gone.
Mrs. Holloway opened the door. She was changed.