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112. The Manor

111. New Objectives

110. Try to Evade

109. Keep the Price

108. Bond

107. Geralt Leaks

106. Sale Venue

105. Brianna Agrees

104. Calm Her Down

103. The Next Mission

102. The Murder

101. The Party Planning

100. Assignment

99. Give Birth

98. Keep Going

97. Retrieved

96. Reunite

95. They Comply

94. Proposition

93. Night Antics

Rachel and Kenny

avatar on 2021-01-04 14:44:08

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With the appointment, he decided to take what he needed and leave immediately. Kenny wanted to see his mother and prepare. The manor would be the best base of operations for the assassination missions anyway. He went to the cells and collected the clones of Persephone, Rosalie and Ian in the flasks. He put them in the case. It was like before. Blaze, Wendelin, Orion and Geralt each had a clone follow me out the facility. They were happy to be coming with me. A clone of Brianna, Yvette and Ian would be coming to the manor by a separate car. They would stay as guests. "I'll see you someday soon." Kenny said as he gave a wave to the head doctor and scientist. The two both smiled and waved back at him. Kenny took the symbiotes and told them to be on their best behavior. They all nodded with smiles. "I mean it. No sex with anyone not necessary for a big mission. No bonding under any circumstances. You know what will happen if I catch you four being naughty, right?" The flinched and looked unsure. Geralt put a hand his thigh. "You wouldn't punish me, right? You like me." he said nervously.

Kenny looked them all in the eye. He then sighed and said "It's because I like you four so much that I can't tolerate any of you being naughty. I'm even going to take your gooey asses with me to Kucen." The joke made them all relax. They looked at each other with more confidence. They drove to the manor and the four of them shared a servant's room. There were many bunk beds for them. Some of them had been let go with the reduced amount of family members to serve. Rose was a very independent woman. There was enough space for them. Swift was a rough individual as well. Kenny remembered hearing stories from their past with his brothers while their mothers and father were not around to stop them. It was not a stretch to say that they both enjoyed being treated as nobility and having lots of money to spend with almost no strings attached. Anyone would be foolish to turn their nose at that. Kenny was surprised to see Rachel there. She was also surprised. "Are you on leave?" he asked her. "I've been reassigned to serve as secretary to a VIP. I have to await further details." she said.

Rachel's presence made things a bit complicated. She was very sharp and would be able to spot anything amiss. All of the daughters in the Davids family also had a bad habit for bullying the sons. "Kenny." she called to him as she approached him at the desk in the study. She had not bothered to knock on the door. Kenny removed the files and put them on his lap. He sighed and looked at her. Rachel smirked as she sat on the corner of table. "What do you have there? I thought you were back here on leave too." she probed. "Unfortunately, I'm still on the clock. I just have the privilege to work from here right now." She rolled her eyes. "Oh, yes. I'm sorry. How could I possibly forget? Another noble in the family. Of course you get it easy." she snapped. "You know I don't mean anything by it." he defended. Rachel smirked at him. "While that's good to hear, I might need some proof of that, my lord." she teased. Kenny pinched the bridge of his nose. "What would you like? I've only been here for three hours, but I don't want to fight you right now." he conceded. "Show me." she said as she pointed to the files.

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