Sarah had a lot of ground to cover in only 48 hours, so she had to prioritize. Miranda would probably be the easiest to sway, Randy was a huge fan of the team when he was a football player, in a different way, but being on a team, and being admired were second nature to him. Trinity would probably be the hardest to get, how to get a goth, A GOTH of all people to want to join the team, Sarah really didn't know. The advice for her was "power, authority and family," and Sarah understood what it was to have power, so she would have to find a way to make that work.
Jade would probably be next easiest to sway, depending on how well she took the change, The Delia. Karyn and Jenny were a package deal, if she got one of them the other would follow, it was just a matter of picking the right one to try and convince. Her first thought was Jenny, because she had changed more, so more of the magic was in her, but then on further reflection Karyn also seemed like a good mark, as she didn't know how Jenny had taken her change yet. They were both so milquetoast, so vanilla, she hoped the magic and the life of a cheerleader would make them more interesting people. Finally there was Nadine, who would take convincing, but she knew how to do that, Nadine would join, of that she had no doubt.
So what was her plan?
As she showered, the plan came into shape. Once she dried off, she got out her phone and texted Miranda. : Hey lets grab coffee.
To which Miranda texted back: Ok :) I've been wanting to talk.