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11. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

10. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

9. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

8. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

7. Zoe meddles a bit

6. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

5. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

4. Jon finds something that fits

3. Jon needs some new clothes

2. Zoe interprets the wishes

1. You Are What You Wish

Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found - physical transformation done

on 2020-12-31 13:44:56

3136 hits, 244 views, 11 upvotes.

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Jon woke up and was reminded that his situation was not a dream. He moved his hair out of his vision and looked at the breasts in his night shirt. Were they bigger? How did Chloe deal with these? He sat up and stretched. He got an outfit for the day, a skirt, spaghetti strap shirt and then stopped, realizing what he grabbed. Sure, it would look good on him, but these were the opposite of guy clothing. He went through his room and found that he had no pants. He had dresses, shirts and shorts. His shirts showed off his ample cleavage, except his sweatshirt and a couple t-shirts, but he didn't have sweatpants to go with them. Looking down into his underwear drawer, after putting his hair behind his ear, he saw it was full of bras, thongs and a few g-strings. He grabbed his longest pair of shorts, which only went to mid thigh, a t-shirt and a sweatshirt. He put on one of the two sports bras. He decided to go commando today, not wanting to ever think about a g-string again.
He went to the bathroom and pulled down his shorts. He couldn't see anything past his sweatshirt. He peed, feeling the urine flow in a way it never had before. When he was done, Jon felt around, and found nothing resembling his penis. He opened his new lips, and felt a large hole that wasn't there before. It was then he noted his pain was gone. Was that his...vagina..forming? or that thing inside? the uterus? Did he have ovaries too? He decided that was enough of those thoughts and got up. Pulling up his shorts, he washed his hands and went down to breakfast. His mom was there

"Hey sweetie. Why are you wearing a sweatshirt? It's a beautiful day out. You should wear one of your cute tops. That sweatshirt does nothing for you and doesn't really go with your beautiful red hair," advised his mom.

"I'm OK with this mom. I just want to eat breakfast." replied Jon. He was now a redhead? He finished eating a light breakfast and finished up his morning routine with a few minutes to spare. He took out the stone. "I wish I had sweatpants." (which Zoe granted) and a pair appeared on his bed. He changed from the shorts to the sweatpants before getting on the bus. He saw Karyn and sat down. He told her about the changes and Karyn tried to console him about his changes. No one commented at school. They basically didn't make eye contact, with a few small exceptions. He had to go to the school counselor instead of going to gym class. They talked about his sudden change and how life may be moving forward. It was weird, everyone treated his breasts like they were supposed to be there, but the rest of him was a sudden change. Almost like a rapid second puberty. The day was a little surreal, but it eventually ended and he got to go home. By the end of the day his hair was down to his shoulder-blades. His sweatpants had slowly become yoga pants over the course of the afternoon, showing off the curves of his body. He caught a few guys looking at his ass, then looking away.

Jon and Karyn walked home, with Jon feeling his hips swaying each step. Karyn tried to cheer him up a bit, talking about how he was still him, despite the change in hair, looks and gender. The two hugged, which was comforting to Jon but also strange, because his breasts got in the way. His mom was waiting in the kitchen with the car keys.

"Jon, you have gone through a lot the last couple days. I'd like to have a mother/son afternoon. Come with me." She led him to the car, and the two went out. The first stop was the comic shop that Jon liked. They got a couple of the new issues, and Jon found a new series to try called "Orange." Normally he would have gone for something with more action, but it spoke to him. Maybe there could be a movie adaption? Next, his mom stopped at Target, so they could get a few things. Jon's mom got a couple towels. She then went to the women's section, and found a top she liked. She asked Jon his opinion, and he gave a thumbs up. She asked him to help find a matching bottom, which Jon did after rolling his eyes. He brought over a couple options, and his mom took one. His mom looked for a few more things for her, before she picked up something for Jon, which he thought did look nice. It was a nice fall dress, with flowers on it. His mom suggested he try it on, but Jon declined. His mom put in the cart anyway. After target, Jon's mom brought them to a massage parlor. She had signed them up for a couple's massage. Jon initially declined, but his mom looked so sad he changed his mind. After going to check in, Jon tried to use his key to get into the men's locker room, but it didn't work. His mom gestured him over to the women's locker room, where his key worked. Jon's mom ushered him into the place that even last week, he was curious about. Karyn said it was nothing special, but as a teenage boy, he still had thoughts. He walked into the locker room tepidly, and turned the corner to find a bunch of half dressed women. Unlikely his day dreams, most of them were sexy college coed. They were normal women, except for a few sexy exceptions. Unfortunately, his mom was one of the exceptions, he noted, as she started to undress.

"Mom, don't you feel weird undressing in front of your son?" whispered Jon to his mom, who was taking off her bra.

"Not really. Now, strip for your massage. If you want, I'll turn around."

"...Yes please...." replied Jon. He took off his sweatshirt and, after checking to make sure no other women were looking, took off the sports bra. He took off his yoga pants and put the towel around his waist.

"Jon, you may want to wear the towel a little higher," suggested his mom pointing to his breasts. Jon mimicked his mother's towel placement. The two went into the massage parlor and had two ladies come up to give them the massage. Jon felt some tension leave his body of the course of the massage. He'd have to do this again sometime. Jon and his mother returned to the locker room.

"Mom, this afternoon was fun. I'd like to do another mother/son day at some point. We haven't done one of these in ages." said Jon opening his locker and grabbing his clothing.

"Jon, as hard as this is to hear, " said his naked mother putting her hands on his shoulders, "you should start considering yourself my daughter." Her mother turned to the locker and put on her clothing and grabbed the towel. Jon sat down in shock. His mother gave up on him? Was this a mother/daughter day? Jon was quiet the drive home and didn't really want to have dinner. Even reading about the movies or looking at cute shoes didn't help him feel much better. He looked at the rock and grabbed it.
"I wish my mom didn't give up on me." Zoe: granted, she will not give up on helping Jon feel more like her daughter. Jon felt the stone warm up and felt a little better. He stripped and put on a nightshirt before going to sleep

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