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21. unusual reaction to a drink

20. Brandons clothes change to tha

19. hair and clothes for Brandon

18. Under His Shirt

17. Brandon's physical changes beg

16. Brandon enters the bedroom

15. Finding New Clothes

14. magic costumes

13. Magic Costume Shop: Caught Off

12. magic costumes

11. The Dining Room

10. To the castle

9. Finding Shelter

8. the princess changes continue

7. Belle

6. Disney Princess

5. A Boy and His Mother

4. Costume Shop

3. The Next Morning

2. A wish for something interesti

Magic costumes: Sitting down for more changes

on 2011-07-24 03:26:00

994 hits, 93 views, 0 upvotes.

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Brandon looked in the kitchen for something to drink, surprised that he still hasn't found anyone. Shaking his head, he saw a glass, and decided that water would be fine. Finding a bottle of water, he filled his glass, and saw a nearby chair. Sitting down, ignoring his newly acquired dress around his legs, he started to have his drink. As he drank, his lips began to swell out to a more feminine look, but that wasn't the biggest change happening to him at the moment, as his butt began to obtain a more feminine look. This of course led to increased pressure on his panties, and something had to be done. Without warning, his balls began to receed into his body, though his manhood remained unchanged for the moment. As the balls sank deeper into Brandon's body, then started to twist, before settling into a pair of new ovaries, which already was starting to pump out feminine hormones into Brandon's blood.

Brandon didn't notice a thing, as he finished his glass of water. Getting up, he thought nothing of the dull ache where a pair of fallopian tubes started to push out...

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