"No. Stop this. Brandon get those clothes of now!" Mary yells frantically at the screen. At first she didn't notice the yellowish tinge at the middle of Brandon's now fuzed skirt and top, but thirty seconds later, the small tinge has grown from almost fingerprint size, to the size of a large palm. THe shopkeeper shook his head sadly, having seen this before, and mostly the recations of the people this side.
"Brandon, who could you not notice..." Mary yelled, before collapsing into unconciousness, caused by the shopkeeper pinching a nerve. "I'm sorry, but this is the only way to calm you down. Hopefully you will recover to see him finish the movie." He turned back to watch.
Brandon walked, unaware that the back of his dress has changed color to a golden yellow like his gloves, though he is aware that his 'shirt' feels nicer. As he walked, the yellow color consumed the rest of his clothes, molding itself to his corset, though like the clothes underneath, it left room for a more obvious change. The skirt part of Brandon's new gown, started to lenghten to the ground, while begining to balloon out, making Brandon look increasingly like the princess he would soon become