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17. Brandon's physical changes beg

16. Brandon enters the bedroom

15. Finding New Clothes

14. magic costumes

13. Magic Costume Shop: Caught Off

12. magic costumes

11. The Dining Room

10. To the castle

9. Finding Shelter

8. the princess changes continue

7. Belle

6. Disney Princess

5. A Boy and His Mother

4. Costume Shop

3. The Next Morning

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Magic costumes: changes in the bedroom

on 2011-07-16 06:09:26

1135 hits, 93 views, 0 upvotes.

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Brandon decided that he needed to move, not keep looking out the window, even though the bed felt comfortable. "maybe I could stay the night, once I find somebody' he said to himself, as get got up, again not noticing his new skirt, or his hips that have been steadily widening to feminine proportions of the past couple of minutes. he got up to walk to the door, but he felt something was wrong after a few steps. Orginally he though it was his shoes, which are unchanged since they grew its slight heel, but Brandon quickly realized it wasn't his feet, its his hips.

"Why was my hips wiggling like that?" he wondered. He tried to walk normally, but for some reason he fall back into the more feminine (not that he knew that) way of walking once he stopped concentrating. This worried him, so he forgot about leaving the bedroom; instead he just wanted to know why he was walking so strangely. After a few minutes, he decided that his body must be tired, but he didn't want to sleep just yet. He was also curious why he had a sudden ache in his waist. It was almost like if it was contracting as he walked. Shaking his head as he dismissed that thought, he was unaware that his waist had contracted to a hourglass shape, or that a corset had began to form underneath his shirt.

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