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16. Brandon enters the bedroom

15. Finding New Clothes

14. magic costumes

13. Magic Costume Shop: Caught Off

12. magic costumes

11. The Dining Room

10. To the castle

9. Finding Shelter

8. the princess changes continue

7. Belle

6. Disney Princess

5. A Boy and His Mother

4. Costume Shop

3. The Next Morning

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

magic costumes: partly found what he was looking for

on 2011-07-16 02:25:26

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Brandon opened the door, and saw he was in a bedroom, but immedately saw it was no good to him since it was a girls' bedroom. He knew it was pointless to look in the wardrobe, since all the clothes would be for a girl.

"Okay, so this place has clothes. I just have to find the right bedroom" he muttered, suddenly feeling tired.

"No! Don't go to sleep" Mary shouted at the screen.

"He's not going to" the shopkeeper says. "Guess that bed is comfortable to sit on" he says, watching Brandon sit up on the bed, looking at the window.

As Brandon looked outside, he didn't notice that the torn fabric of his shorts started to merge together to form a skirt that was just above his knee, or that his hips had slightly began to widen.

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