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15. Finding New Clothes

14. magic costumes

13. Magic Costume Shop: Caught Off

12. magic costumes

11. The Dining Room

10. To the castle

9. Finding Shelter

8. the princess changes continue

7. Belle

6. Disney Princess

5. A Boy and His Mother

4. Costume Shop

3. The Next Morning

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Magic Costume Shop: Finding New Clothes

on 2011-07-15 04:11:03

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Brandon sighed as he looked down at his ripped shorts. "There better be some new ones in here someplace." he says to himself as he starts walking through the hallways, opening up random doors hoping to find a bedroom.

"What's he doing now?" Mary asks.

The shopkeeper once again just shrugs his shoulders. "From the looks of things it would appear he's trying to find a replacement for his ripped shorts. But I can promise you that they'll fix themselves." he says.

Mary glances over at a picture of Belle and realizes that he's right and she hopes that Brandon will finish the movie long before he finds himself wearing her signature dress.

Brandon kept looking through various rooms and in the process, he started to get a little bit taller, gaining a few inches making him just under five feet tall. While this happened his age also jumped up a few years, making him fifteen years old.

Brandon then reaches another door in the hallway and stands before it. "Let's hope you have what I'm looking for." he says as he turns the knob.

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