Brandon could feel his excitement growing as he and Knuckles climbed up the steps towards where the Master Emerald was kept. 'I've always wanted to see this thing up close ever since I saw it's beauty while I was playing the game.' Brandon thinks to himself.
As he climbed higher and higher along Knuckles, his knowledge of the Sonic world being a game was beginning to start to fade and interfere with his perception of what was real and what wasn't.
Meanwhile, outside in the real world, the shopkeeper was waiting for Mary to appear but since she went to the wrong game, she wasn't appearing on the TV screen.
He just shakes his head as he pulls out a SEGA Dreamcast system and plugs it in to the TV. "Well it looks like I'm gonna get the last character I need to complete the roster of my Sonic game." he says as he grabs a hold of his controller.