The next mission was to go to the brothel. I was told that I could either collect the money from the deadbeat pimps or I could kill them and clear it out for the gang's use. I could see that any property could be used if the people in charges knew how to use it. Momma certainly had a good head on her shoulders. We also needed to keep an eye out for 6th Street gangsters. I did not see any reason that I would need more than Rusty and Black for the mission. We went and I explained the situation to the pimps. They led us inside into an ambush. We then took cover and began shooting them. There were two pimps and seven hired muscle in the brothel. Black took care of the ones that tried to come from behind us. Rusty was especially violent as he pistol whipped and shot a pimp at point blank range. I thought that was pretty cool. We cleared it out and called Momma. I was told to leave the area and they would send some soldiers to secure it. That was fine with me. "Damn! Gunfights get me horny." It was Rusty that said that as he smiled at me. He was indeed rock hard. I just shrugged.
He frowned and said "You're no fun. The least you could do would be to jerk me off a bit. I'm following you around all the time. Risking myself." I looked at him over for a bit. He glared and snapped "Got something to say!? Go on and spit it out!" He was just as aggressive as anyone else at Salamander Sam. I shrugged and said "We could go to one of the clubs and fuck around for a bit." He thought it over and said "You're paying, professor." His mocking tone told me that he was more than okay with that. We got on Black's back and made our way to the gang territory house. As we were going down the road, a black, unmarked van rolled up out of nowhere. The big sliding door opened and we were shot at. We returned fire as we went faster. We kept shooting at them, but they seemed to be unfazed by our bullets. We were able to get away and make back to the house in gang territory. It did not take long before we got the doors and windows secured. We also made sure that we loaded up on the biggest ammo we had in the safehouse. They would be back. I knew it. We would be ready.
Eventually, night came and another pair of black vans rolled down the block. I saw seven figures come out of the vans and walk to the door. Rusty looked at me in peak exasperation and said "Who the hell did you fuck with to get all these guys on you!?" The men were going around the house. I turned off the main lights and took out my guns. "We can find out when we kill them all." I said. He just chuckled and replied with a simple "Alright." I knew we were going to need backup. I called Momma and she said they would be here in half an hour. Fifteen minutes later, I heard the two doors get kicked open and they flooded in. I tossed a grenade at the front door as it was being breached. I watched it detonate and it only knocked the three back. Aside from a grunt, they did not seem at all hurt. I blasted them all with my semi automatic shotgun. I had it loaded with slugs because I was not playing around. The element of surprise gave me a bonus and I was able to down one of them with a critical hit to the head. The damage was pretty high. I turned to another and shot, but he dodged it.