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25. Back to Sarah and Karyn

24. "Yes, I still have the Babe Gu

23. A babe?

22. Cement?

21. Karyn follows Sarah

20. Sarah storms out, and we check

19. The fight ends ... now what?

18. The showdown with Mrs. William

17. Sarah volunteers

16. Let's tune in on Sarah and fri

15. Too scared

14. Changes to Karyn!

13. Hitting Jon

12. Getting Older

11. Getting Younger

10. Random Gun

9. The 'geek' gun goes off

8. Mr. Dernsley

7. Steve 'The Stud' Farber shows

6. The Geek Gun ... but that's no

Transformation Guns: Sarah and Karyn tell their stories

on 2014-02-25 01:17:21

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On the street halfway between the school and the construction site where Sarah had disposed of the Random Gun, Sarah told Karyn the whole story, starting from when she first discovered the Geek Gun in her locker and zapped her friend Nicole Tiller with it, to the other Transformation Guns being discovered and used, to her confrontation with Mrs. Williams and grabbing the Random Gun.

She concluded with her decision to destroy the Random Gun, and her reasons for doing it.

"The Gun was entirely random. I couldn't risk it doing something even worse before I got anyone even close to being their normal selves." Sarah said. "So my boyfriend's stuck as a nine-year old boy, his friend Reggie's now a black girl and a cheerleader, and you're now a thirty-year old sleazy woman."

"And Jon's now a squeamish fifteen year old girl who wished herself back home." Karyn blurted.

"What?" Sarah asked. "Okay, I can tell YOU'VE got a story to tell, too. So spill it. Start from the beginning."

Karyn sighed. She didn't want to tell Sarah about the wishing stone, but now she had no choice. Of course, after everything that happened, she doubted Sarah would have any trouble believing her.

So Karyn told of how Jon had shared with her the wishing stone, how they'd started by turning a branch blue, and then Karyn's envy of Sarah's looks had made her wish for blonde hair and bigger breasts. And then Jon had made the careless, vague wish for 'something interesting to happen.' Jon and Karyn hadn't noticed anything unusual besides a few extra Goths running around. They didn't even know about the Transformation Guns until Mrs. Williams found the Random Gun, got turned into a crazy woman, and began trapping her class in her classroom so she could transform them over and over again with the Random Gun.

Karyn and Jon, after being zapped, had hid in the bathroom until Jon wished herself and the stone home. Karyn then noticed Sarah and followed her to the construction site to see her toss the Random Gun into the quick-drying cement of the sidewalk.

"I ... I don't blame you, Sarah. I think I might have destroyed the Random Gun, too."

"So wait a minute." Sarah said, as she took in Karyn's story. "You mean to tell me that all this happened because your friend made a wish for 'something interesting' to happen?"

When Karyn merely nodded, Sarah threw up her hands. "I knew that Jon was a screwup, but I didn't know he'd screw up THIS bad! So he's literally turned into a scared little girl, gone home, and left the rest of us to try to clean up his mess, has he?"

Karyn could only nod. As much as she wanted to defend her friend, she had no argument against that point. "Yes, I'm afraid. And he took the stone with him. I don't know whether we should go to Jon's place, or go back to the school and help the group find and lock up the rest of the Transformation Guns."

Sarah was torn. On the one hand, she wanted to verbally chew Jon out for his carelessness, but on the other she wanted to be sure her friends would be all right.

Karyn sighed. "At least the damage seems limited to the school. I'd hate to think what would happen if another batch of those things showed up somewhere else."

At that moment, the construction workers back at the Construction Site were trying to break through the cement to get at the weapon that the high school girl had tossed into it. A gun of any sort was too dangerous to leave in cement.

They slammed their picks into the cement, shattering the Random Gun to pieces. There was a flash of light as the Random Gun caused its final transformation.

The construction workers had all changed. One was a seven-year old girl, another who had previously been a grizzled veteran in his fifties was now a teenage boy, and the youngest man of the group now resembled a grandmother. The foreman, previously a balding white man, was now a Hispanic looking twenty-year old young man.

All of them looked at each other in shock and utter confusion.

Sarah and Karyn, meanwhile, knew nothing of this. They were still trying to decide their next move.

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