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14. Sarah Raids Kyla's Closet

13. Sarah Follows Kyla Home

12. What is It Like Being You?

11. Kyla Notices

10. Sarah Wonders What It Would Be

9. Kyla Leeson

8. Sarah Runs Into...

7. Sarah Heads to Biff's House

6. Cheerleading Uniform

5. In the Street

4. Sarah Wakes Up Elsewhere

3. Elsewhere in Town

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah Raids Kyla's Closet

on 2012-04-08 22:31:52

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Sarah wouldn't let up, even pushing herself into Kyla's home.

Kyla was almost at the end of her rope, as Sarah looked through her closet as if her clothes were made by one of those fancy designers. Kyla wondered what was wrong with her.

"Can I try something on?" Sarah said.

"Umm...sure?" Kyla said.

"'re the greatest," Sarah said, grabbing some of Kyla's clothes and headed toward the bathroom. Kyla wasn't even sure she'd fit in them.

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