The bell resonated throughout the school. Everything stopped, everywhere in the building, as the students listened, then started off toward classes.
The various cliques merged into the sea of students passing through the hallway, then separated outward in different directions.
Sarah paused in the hallway. She felt her whole being vibrating in tune with the bell. For a second there, she felt...she shrugged it off. She had to get to class.
Tiffany Sanders had a similar feeling. Her mind felt suddenly clear and crisp, which was odd because it was usually filled with thoughts of having sex, sex, and more sex, interspersed with hair, clothes, and other things. It might have been fair to say that Tiffany hadn't been thinking clearly since she hit puberty.
"Hey," Biff Meadows said to the girl who walking next to them. She turned.
It was Athena DeVries. "Hey," she said, casually, neither thinking of why they'd be caught dead talking to each other.
"You want to..." he started.