Well this sure came up quick while I wasn't looking ;) I need to get more on-the-ball. Anyway...
I enjoyed your chapter, Weirdo, but it feels a little too contrived, to be honest. I don't see why Mercury himself couldn't offer assistance; it's probably bad form for the gods to just go around interfering in the lives of people from worlds other than their own all the time, but as Selene has shown, it's not out of the question, and in any case she came to his sphere of influence of her own accord, though not for that purpose.
Of course, it would take some doing to make it not a total deus ex machina (or, I suppose, deus ex deus,) with regards to Anneza's story-arc. I think the thing about Anneza is that she's still only in the process of repenting. She does on some level regret what she did, but it only came about because she got in trouble as a result, and I'm not really sure where she is between childish sorry-I-got-caught and actual repentance, currently. Part of the process by which she's getting there, though, is that she's had to confront her own isolationism and superiority complex, due to her sudden enforced dependence on others, and it would kinda short-circuit the rest of her story to have that suddenly resolved.
I think one solution would be for him to "reset" her capacity for language acquisition - the younger you are, the easier it is to learn, and Anneza is thirty-five at worst and inhabiting a brain and body in its early twenties at best. She's already been making an effort on her own, but it's been mentioned that it's slow, troublesome going; if she were given that childhood flexibility back, it would still take time, but it would be less frustrating and have better end results - she could speak English as well as someone raised bilingually, as opposed to someone who decided to pick it up later in life.