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70. The Defense

69. The Evidence

68. Dismiss Charges

67. Lawyering

66. It Works Out

65. Ninja Trio

64. Backing Down

63. Love City

62. Kill Hero

61. Third Heist

60. Round 7

59. Marriage

58. Revenge

57. They Win

56. Round 5

55. Round 4

54. They Return

53. Hero Challenge

52. Vacation

51. Sixth Form

Manufacturing Consent

avatar on 2020-11-21 09:36:24
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-11-21 09:46:24

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He said there was never any. I asked if he had ever seen such precision before. He said "In my profession, I observed that contract killers with signature kill styles will be this precise if they are any good at what they do." I only nodded and said "I am sure you know this, but weight and height and follow through leads to differences in the wounds." He nodded. "Maybe it is my untrained eye that is unable to see, so you can tell me. From these victims, how many culprits are there? Are their enough similarities i these cases to point to the same killer over and over again, or are their multiple matches that would say there were multiple killers?" He looked and said "Yes. There seems to be four batches of kills." I asked him to elaborate. He went onto explain that there were enough similarities to pin 20 of the murders on the trio. The other 8 counts seemed to be by someone else. "So, there is a big possibility there is a fourth assailant." "At least four." he clarified. "So there are possibilities that there are copycats and zealots that would take the name in order to enrich themselves on their name?" "Maybe." he said.

With the evidence of contracts, I had hand writing experts examine my client's hand writing. They did not match any of the writing on the contracts. The writing came from the contractor themselves. Ghoststrike was the one the signatures matched up with. That was pretty damning for him. It gave me good plausible deniability for Quickflash and Redstroke. I argued that strongly in court. As part of my skill I could see and icon for each of the trio. It was a large slider that went from a bird out the cage to a bird chains to a perch to caged bird and finally a cooked bird. All three started in the cooked bird section. It was lit in red as that is what the public wanted. If they stayed in there, they would be executed. I was able to edge Quickflash and Redstroke to the border between execution and jail. That was good progress. Ghoststrike was at the very end on the slider. We had finished with the hard evidence. Now it was time for the witnesses. That was where I shined. I was able to discredit and embarrass every single one of them by choosing the right answers. Some were criminals. Others were put up to this.

All three of them moved down a full icon from that. It had been a week and I got my cramps in the middle of the day. I had to rush to the bathroom and lay the eggs in the toilet. It was painful, but I cleaned up and disposed of the eggs. it was the second time it happened during trial. When I returned, I was asked if I was alright. I assured them I was. "My breakfast must not have agreed with me." I said. The star witnesses of the trial were the Heartdogs. I had to get them out of the way. I also did not want to let them ruin their new found fame. I was in a real pickle. I ultimately decided to be the lawyer I was playing and protect my clients. Since I knew the two of them well enough, I was able to press their buttons and get under their skins. They snapped and made outbursts that made them look negatively in the eyes of the public. I also made use of their story. "You saw a know criminal. A murderer, bank robber and serial thief. Walks right pass you and you just let him go. I commend you for following up on this. You caught many criminals. You also rid us of some of the menace. For your day in the sun, Red Cape died." I said then rested.

My speech soured them in the eyes of the jury. It gave me just the boost to get Quickflash and Redstroke into the chained bird section. That meant house arrest or probation depending on the judges mood and and how far it was in the icon. The glowing and respectful way the crown prosecutor talked had me really concerned for a moment. I was doing well. My guys were set for probation and even Ghoststrike was not getting a life sentence. All of the evidence was done and both sides had rested their case. It was time for the closing arguments. It would take place the next day. As I left the court, the crown prosecutor came to me again. "You think letting criminals go free is a good thing?" she asked me. I shrugged and said "I took the case because I wanted to. If you can't hold them on your evidence, it is your fault." I then left the court. I went straight to the hotel to rest up. I had a big day in the morning after all. All the eyes of the country were on me and I had to deliver. But I needed to get something. I had the clone that gave birth to go to the lair and get some ooze from the sharkman in the red stripped jammers.

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