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25. Not All Fun And Games

24. Victoria Goes to Victoria's Se

23. A New Day

22. The Next Morning

21. Victoria's Victory Over Jon

20. The Transformation Is At Last

19. Forgiveness

18. Mom Has a Really Fast Change o

17. Mother is Not Amused

16. The Training Continues...

15. Make-Up

14. Jon becomes a Victorian Goth

13. Inspection

12. Girl-in-training

11. Embarassment

10. Clothes Make The... Girl?

9. The Changes Continue

8. Slowly But Surely...

7. Restless Night

6. Jon goes home

Not All Fun And Games

on 2010-02-16 22:24:53

1296 hits, 70 views, 1 upvotes.

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Victoria couldn't wait to put on one of her new bras, and it wasn't just because her breasts were uncomfortable bouncing around and rubbing against the fabric of her shirt. She considered wearing a bra to be a badge of honour- a proud symbol of her nascent womanhood. Plus these bras in particular had been picked-out by Lilianne...
But she didn't have the strength to think about that just now.
Her mom seemed to pick up on her unexpressed desire. "Why don't you head off to the washroom and put one of those on?"
Her daughter opted to do just that, leaving her mother and Zoe to go into one of the public restrooms. It was empty, but Victoria nonetheless ducked into a stall.
She didn't want anyone to walk in on her and see her change, afterall.
She pulled off her shirt and selected a lacy black bra from her shopping bag (mainly because Lilianne had said that it "suited her"). It fastened in the back and Victoria had no experience with such garments so it took her nearly five minutes of awkward contortionism to get the thing hooked up. But when she finally did...damn it was comfortable; She loved its tautness about her back; she loved how snugly it clung to her breasts. And yes, with its black, lacey form (transluscent in places), it did suit her. She felt dark, elegant and feminine...everything she wanted to be, now that she was a Goth girl.
She promptly pulled her shirt back on (it was tight enough that the shape of her bra was visible through the fabric) and stepped out of the bathroom stall.
Just then the bathroom door flung open, and in stomped three of the most vile teenage boys she had ever seen. They belonged to that annoying class of upper-middleclass suburban white kids who nonetheless dress like gangsters and speak in bad ghetto slang.
And it suddenly occured to her that there were urinals in there: she was in the wrong bathroom!
"Check it out, yo," said one of the pathetic ghetto-posers. "They got bitches in the men's room."
Victoria flushed in embarassment. "Sorry," she mumbled, making a bee-line for the door.
"Now don't leave girl," said another shoving his arm up against the wall to block her path. "That's one fine ass you got there."
The first slapped her on the bum in order to emphasize the point.
"She got some good tits too," quipped the third, in a grammatically awkward fashion. He gave one of her breasts a squeeze. "Too bad she's a goth slut."
Victoria died a little inside, but felt a rising surge of anger buoy her up.
"What the fuck are you three guys doing together in the bathroom anyway?" she demanded.
"She got a mouth on her!" Quipped the second poser. He leaned in close: "maybe I should teach you a little respect bitch?"
Fortunately, by leaning in, he'd inadvertedly created enough room for Victoria to duck successfully under his arm, which she did. And then she was out of the bathroom like a bat out of hell, with the three pathetic gangsta wannabes wolf-whistling behind her; they made no attempt to persue her though.
Victoria, for her part, needed to compose herself. She ducked into the washroom (the correct ladies washroom, this time), shut herself up in a stall and began to cry (her tear ducts having been enlarged as part of her transformation). She felt dirty from having been treated like that, disgust at the three gangsta wannabes and also...shame? Had she been like that when she was a man? Not that bad, certainly, but...she'd never really thought that such behaviour was such a big deal. Not until she'd been on the recieving end.
If she could have prevented herself from having ever been a boy, she would have at that moment.
(She would have also ripped those three guys apart with her teeth, so we can be glad that she had temporarily forgotten the wishing stone.)
At length, she heard a familiar voice from outside. "Victoria?"
It was Zoe.
"Yeah?" she replied, clearing her throat.
"What's the hold-up? You're taking forever!"
Victoria began drying her tears with toilet paper; she hadn't been crying to heavily, so she hoped her makeup was in good shape. "Yeah, sorry," she said. "It's nothing; it just took me a little while to do up my bra, and then I figured I might as well go to the bathroom..."
"Yeah, whatever; listen we've got to keep going."
Yes, we do Victoria thought, and stepped back out into the world.

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