Seeing how the situation was progressing, Ash got in front of the clone and held out his arm to protect it. "Fine! I'll marry this clone, psycho. Damn it." Alex and I were a bit surprised. Ash said "What kind of hero would I be if I watched you kill someone defenseless in front of me." I lowered the katana and said "If you really are serious, you won't mind going to the chapel and tying the knot right now. I just have to but some clothes." He gulped and we walked to town together. I bought a white plain shirt and blue jeans. I also got some sandals for my feet. We then went to the chapel. The priest was surprised to see us. He was even more surprised when I told him what was going on. Alex sat on a pew on one side of the chapel. I was on the opposite pew. We watched as the priest officiated the ceremony. The clone kissed Ash on the lips chastely at the end when the bride and groom were to kiss. I was not expecting that. Neither was Ash from the way he touched his lips in confusion. The priest took a moment to take in the situation. Sighing, he took them in the back to sign paperwork for the records.
There was no need for a honeymoon as they already had sex. "This one is happy." the clone said. Ash just shrugged and said "Don't make this harder than it has to be." I smirked and said "No matter how hard it is, I know you two can do it together." That got a chuckle out of Alex. Ash glared at her and said "Not. Helping." He then looked at me and asked "So what next?" I shrugged. "I already admitted defeat with the human and sharkman forms. I could go much further if you wanted to continue. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve." Ash said "We are still going to kill you." "You have been married for less than 10 minutes and you already want to kill your wife? What kind of a hero are you!?" I joked. He groaned and looked at the clone. "This one is still a part of that one." it said as it pointed at me. "It is true. You can't kill me even if you wanted to. Now, there is another reason. You have a family to protect now." The two siblings flinched. "What should we do now? We can't let you attack the town." she said. I just shrugged. "I promise I won't there are not big targets to steal from. That's more my speed." I said.
Both of them were angry. I chuckled and said "I might not be able to beat you on a one on one fight, but I could still kill you. You can't stop me even if you wanted to." The married clone just held Ash's hand again. When we got to the lair, the other defeated clone was still there. "Okay. If you think you can take a win for an answer you can take it. Otherwise, we can do another fight tomorrow." Ash said "If you just come out and say you are going to go steal again, we can't let you go." Alex nodded and said I was being put on notice. "We will end this tomorrow!" she added. The married clone began walking with them until Ash snapped at it. "This one will line you know. We're married now." Alex smiled and said "What did I tell you about sticking your dick places it shouldn't be? I think you two can share the bed." They continued going. I looked at the sharkman with the pink speedo. I needed to get it to drider size by the next day. 8 humans together could make a small one. The big ones were 11 humans worth. I could do the math. The sharkman was only 2 humans worth. I would need something to drain fast.
I needed a willing battery. That brought me back to the shop owner. He seemed to want a helper. I certainly could give him one if he could put his body on the line. There was a quid pro quo in the making. We swam together. I loved doing it. Using my powerful tail to launch myself through the water was a great feeling. When we got to the shop, I explained the deal. "You want to drain me again? Is... it going to hurt?" he asked. "No. You'll be too tired to keep open for long after I'm done." He put his hands out and the clone took them. A little over an hour later, there were 10 new sharkmen. The original and 8 of the new ones came with me. That left 2 with the owner. He got a step away from his standing spot before he collapsed. His new helpers attended to him. The shark pack and I went back to the lair. 1 sharkman split into 2 humans. 5 sharkmen and 1 of the humans combined to make two driders. I gave the clothes I was wearing to the human. The human and one sharkman went to Life City. The orginal sharkman with the speedo and a naked sharkman went to Love City. The vacation was over.