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8. Catching up with Jon and Karyn

7. A trip to the restroom

6. Trouble in paradise

5. Melissa starts acting oddly

4. Warning Karyn

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Take Your Place: Lunchtime

avatar on 2020-11-15 15:16:53

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It was lunchtime by the time Jon next saw Karyn, and they certainly had plenty to discuss. There were rumours throughout the school of loads of people having headaches or acting oddly; Jon hadn’t seen anyone other than Melissa acting strange, but the whispers had soon spread about there being trouble in paradise between Biff and Sarah.

From what Jon could gather, Biff had been acting moody all morning, finally bursting out in history class and pushing Sarah away. Jon frowned. Biff and Sarah had broken up more than enough times during their time in high school, and usually it was Sarah doing the breaking up. Jon was beginning to wonder if this was what his wish had caused.

Grabbing a tray and joining the queue in the cafeteria, Jon looked around for Karyn, but he couldn’t see her yet, so he picked up his usual order and made his way towards a free table where he waited for his friend.

Eventually, Karyn joined him. Jon had positioned himself so that he could look out for her and when he waved her over when she caught his eye. Jon nearly choked on a fry when he saw his best friend, however. She was walking with a slight sway to her hips that he had never noticed before, she had a tan leather purse slung over her shoulders, and her blonde hair was styled slightly differently.

“Hey, Jon-boy.” Karyn greeted him with a smile. Placing her tray on the table, Karyn took her seat opposite Jon, and now that Jon was looking more closely, he noticed something else about his friend.

“Are you wearing makeup?” he asked quizzically. Karyn nodded, seeming pretty pleased with herself.

“Uh-huh, do you like it?”

Jon shrugged his shoulders. He wasn’t used to seeing Karyn with makeup. In fact, she rarely wore it except on special occasions, and he wasn’t sure if he liked it or not.

“It’s okay...I guess. I’ve never seen you wear makeup before, so it’s a little odd.”

Karyn raised an eyebrow.

“Jon, I’ve always worn makeup. Are you feeling alright?”

Jon blinked and shook his head.

“I should be the one asking you that. I’ve never seen you wear makeup. You always stay away from that stuff.”

Karyn frowned. “Okay, Jon-boy... Explain this.” She reached around and placed her purse on the table. “If I don’t wear makeup then how come I have some in my purse?”

“That’s another thing, where did you get that purse?”

“Oh, I saw Lucy Corinth in the restrooms earlier. She was busy muttering to herself about something and taking off her makeup.”

Jon blinked.

“Are you sure? Lucy never lets herself be seen without makeup, she’s almost as bad as Sarah with that stuff.”

Karyn shrugged her shoulders and resumed her story. “Anyway, I saw her in the restroom and she had this purse on the counter. I commented on how cute it looked and she said that I could have it.”

Jon dropped the burger he was holding and looked at her. “Karyn, I think this has something to do with my wish.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you know how Biff was acting really weird this morning?”

Karyn nodded.

“Well, in English, Melissa was also acting rather strangely. She was sitting in class taking notes, instead of gossiping with Tiffany like she normally does. And then, when confronted about it, Melissa suddenly got a headache and had to go to the nurse’s office.”

Karyn sat up. “The same thing happened to Biff!”

Jon nodded. “I think that these events are connected and the same thing seems to be happening to you.”

“What do you mean?” Karyn asked. “I don’t feel any different.”

“No, but you’re wearing makeup and are carrying a purse.”

Karyn frowned. “And you’re saying that I don’t normally wear these things?”

Jon shook his head.

“I’m just glad that only one of us is being affected.”

Karyn raised an eyebrow as Jon absentmindedly reached for a fry and brought it up to his mouth.

“Um… Are you sure about that, Jon-boy?”

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