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41. Enemies

40. Buy Cars

39. Buy House

38. The Deposit

37. Cooldown

36. The Heist

35. The Meetup

34. Some Help

33. My Villainy

32. New Forms

31. Move On

30. Ask for Sex

29. Rescue Him

28. Play Hero

27. Second Thoughts

26. Break Through

25. Sister Visit

24. Keeping Low

23. James Persues

22. Resist It

Sins Catching Up With Me

avatar on 2020-11-14 17:30:18

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Being a car was cool. I had Speed, Power, Handling, and Armor trees. I also ran on gas. I got out of the car and sent it off to the hideout. Some police had found me and the sirens got louder as the pulled up. I took out my katana. It was a breeze mowing down the cops and I was able to run away using my webs. I took Cody's appearance and continued down a side street and hummed to myself as I put the katana away. As I walked, a woman called out to me. I looked at her and she beckoned me closer. I sighed as I walked over. "Yes? What is it?" I asked her. She answered with two Fire Palms to my face. It burned and blinded me for a bit. I backed away from her as I shouted in pain. "You've been throwing your power around. You could at least learn to take it." she said. I rubbed my face to see her approach. She tossed Fire Balls and used a Fire Whip. I used my katana and tossed it at her. She blocked it with the whip. I glared at her and said "Who sent you after me? Was it Hartman? The police? The banks? Who!?" She scoffed and asked "With a list like that, does it even matter anymore!?"

She was right. It did not really matter to me. All I needed to do was kill her. I called the katana back to me and held it. I switched up the fighting style and engaged her in close quarters. The whip was repelling my blade. "I'm all you need to be focused on if you don't want to die." she said. I was not able to overpower her. That meant she had superhuman strength. It was a daunting thought. I decided to call it quits and run. I shot webbing in her face and jumped back. I launched up to the roof and tried to swing away, but she cast Barchetta and the swarm of lights broke the strand I was using. I latched onto a building and looked at her. She looked pretty confused for a brief moment. "It looks like I have to stop playing with you. Transform!" She was a Fire dragon. That was a pretty strong combination. She sprouted fiery wings from her back and took to the air. I groaned as she charged me. If it was just a simple boring encounter, I would just give up. This time, I was really being hunted down. I leaped from the building and began running. She teleported in front of me, but I did not stop myself for her.

I spun as I ran and used the katana for a slash. She teleported out the way and I kept going. While I was level 86, this particular body was probably only around level 18 at best. Even with all the perks I had, it was not enough to face whoever this woman was. I ran towards the end of the block. She shot another Fireball at me. I let it hit and carry me forward. I liquified and went down the drain at the end of the street. It meant leaving the red katana behind, but it was better than being captured. She tried to stop me, but it was far too late. I reformed and ran in the sewers. It smelled horrible and I was not sure where to go. I found a ladder that went up to a manhole. I went up and crawled out. I tried to call the katana back to me, but I could no longer sense it. Either it was destroyed or my Qi was purged from it. That was a shame. I then continued to walk until I was face to face with someone familiar. I saw James. I was near the park now that I looked around. "So you really couldn't keep out of trouble. I am not surprised." he said as he took a drag from a cigarette. I groaned and looked for a way to run.

He flicked it away and brought his fists up for a fight. I ran to him and hugged his waist. "W-wait! I don't want to fight. Can't you just fuck me and let me go instead." He pushed me back a step and cupped my left cheek with his hand. "I bet you'd like that." he said softly as his thumb ran against my cheekbone. It felt warm and comforting to the touch. It stopped and I saw he was glaring at me. "After what you did to Evan, do you really think I'd go for that!?" "I thought you might like a hate fuck." I said. He then sighed. "Just because I hate you, doesn't mean I want to stick my dick in a clump of yellow goo." he said. It was pretty understandable. "You can do it if you want. It isn't a big deal. Just don't cum inside me or I'll get pregnant. You're way too strong to even try to block and absorb it." I said. James rolled his eyes and said "Come with me then. You better be ready. I'm not going easy on you for a second. I smiled as he grabbed me by the arm and led me off to a back alley across from the entrance at the south side of the park. He pushed me against the wall by the neck and pulled my pants down.

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