The buildings flew by in a white haze. So much motion, not enough control. As the eyes opened wider, consciousness began to flow and questions began to be asked. Where am I? What's happening?
Jon glanced into the rearview mirror. His grandpa was still asleep, but he had the feeling that he'd wake up soon. Jon had been driving for hours. The buildings of the city seemed to have no end, just like the road.
Karyn suggested that they try to get back to the farmlands, so that's what Jon was doing, but it was no use. Every time they thought they were close to the outskirts of the city, they found out they weren't.
Was there any end?
"Jon," his grandfather said, in a sleepy slur.
His grandfather opened his eyes, startled by Jon talking. He looked around, confused as to where he was. The last thing he remembered was being on the floor of that office building, surrounded by glass.
"Where am I?" he asked.
"Don't worry, we're getting you out of here. You're gonna get some help," Jon said, referring to his grandfather's cuts.
"No. You have to take me back."
"You have to take me back. You just don't understand. I have to be there."
"I think you better explain," Jon said, not stopping the car, but still driving forward, trying to get out of the city.