Zoe had forgotten how to drive, since she was no longer in possession of Sarah's body, so Jon took the wheel. Karyn sat on the passenger's side, holding the map. And Sarah and Zoe sat in the back seat.
Jon drove down to the edge of the lake and stopped.
"Now what?" Karyn asked.
As the car shook from the ground rumbling, they watched the water part just ahead of them, just like that Ten Commandments movie that Jon saw every Easter. Except that this wasn't a movie. This was real.
About thirty feet beyond the end of the road, there appeared to be a ramp going down into the lake, or at least what was the lake when the water was there.
"I guess this means we keep driving forward," Jon said.
He drove down the ramp and into a tunnel. It was a tunnel made completely of glass. He looked in the rearview mirror and saw a pane of glass cover the entrance, blocking the onrush of water that was flowing back to where it was before the lake parted. So it was really all mechanical, not magical.
As Jon drove through the tunnel, they looked from side to side, seeing the bottom of the lake, the clear blue-ness of the water, and all of the undersea life swimming around in it. It was wonderous.
About ten miles in, Karyn looked at the map. The blue blob moved more to the left, making half of the right side of the map that gray color. They appeared to be about half-way through the lake.
After another ten miles, they came to the end of the tunnel, which looked a lot like the start of the tunnel. The water, that was flowing over the pane of glass blocking their exit, parted. And the pane of glass opened, letting them drive out.
Karyn looked at the map. The edge of the lake that touched the gray area was in in the center of the map now. That's where they were.
Jon drove up the ramp and they saw ...