Zoe opened the passenger side door and grabbed the map.
"What the ...?" Zoe said, before the map was grabbed away from her by Jon.
"What is it?" he said, before looking at it. The map had changed. Now, the blue blob, indicating the lake, was in the middle of the map, instead of on the right side of it. It was like the picture on the map changed to follow their position. Now, the red rectangle, that represented the cabin, was all the way to the left.
On the other side of the blue blob, there was a bunch of gray, as opposed to this side of the blue blob, which was all green, presumably indicating farmland.
"What do you think the gray is?" Jon asked.
No one knew, but they were sure that it wasn't corn fields.
"So, how do we get there?" Zoe asked. "We can't just drive through the lake."
"Try it. You'll see," a voice said. It was the old man's voice.
"You heard the man. Let's try it," Jon said.
"Do you think that's wise?" Karyn asked. "Didn't he just keep us from leaving this place?"
"I'm sure he had a good reason," Jon said. But even he was having second thoughts about it all, remembering the old man hitting him in the face with that shovel, back at the cabin. Sure, he came and visited Jon afterwards, saying he was sorry. But still ...
He looked up at the sky. It must have been hours by now. Yet, it still looked like it was midday. And still no sun in sight.
"Come on, let's drive down to the water's edge. Maybe we'll know what to do next," Jon said to them.