"She thinks being short is funny," growled Karyn, "I wished that she would shrink to four inches shorter than me!"
John peered around the corner. Karyn was short, it was true, but not unusually so for a girl. Sarah, on the other hand, let out a high-pitched, "What the fuck?!"
"She knows she shrank?" asked John, worried, "How could she hear?"
"Oh dear," sighed Karyn, "I guess it's because I wished that she would shrink instead of just be smaller. To her, she just shrank out of the blue."
Karyn was about an even five feet at the moment, making Sarah only 4'8", now in oversized clothes. She wasn't happy, either. She spun around, running back at Karyn.
"What the hell did you do to me?" she squeaked.
"Can you speak up?" smiled Karyn, "It's hard to hear you down there."
In a flash, Sarah jumped at Karyn, hitting her in the face and knocking her to the ground. It was the moment that she climbed on top of her to continue the fight that something very strange happened.