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19. Sarah and Karyn Aftermath

18. The Shoes Help

17. Finding Sarah's Room

16. Susan McMillan Comes Home

15. Karyn Makes an Entrance

14. In Jon's Bedroom

13. Ditching the Shoes

12. Jon Walks "Home"

11. Cheerleading Practice

10. Karyn

9. After School

8. Lunch Time

7. Aftermath

6. Sarah's Back

5. Talking to the Cheerleaders

4. Jon Can't Talk to Karyn

3. Jon Gets Dressed

2. In Sarah's Shoes

1. You Are What You Wish

In Sarah's Shoes: Sarah and Karyn Aftermath

avatar on 2020-10-16 15:05:45

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Sarah had no idea how much time had passed. She'd just completely lost herself in the make-out session with Karyn. There was no bedroom. There was no house. There was no Lake Point, no United States, no Planet Earth.

The universe was just Karyn. The universe was just Karyn's lips.

But there came a time when the universe had to end. When Karyn's lips no longer pressed against Sarah's. When one split back into two.

And, by chance, it was just in that moment when the front door to the house very audibly opened and shut itself.

"Hey everyone," the voice of Roger Gibson, Sarah's recently-acquired dad, could be heard muffled through the bedroom door, "I've got some coupons for TGI Friday's. We're going out for dinner tonight. Get yourselves ready."

The newly-seductive Karyn slunk off the bed. "I guess that's my cue to leave. We'd better get ourselves sorted out first, though."

With a smile and a giggle, Karyn skipped over to the bedroom door, and left in the direction of the bathroom.

With Karyn gone, Sarah was released from the spell that the wish had imposed on her. But she wasn't sure what to do. She didn't feel... it's not that she didn't enjoy what she and Karyn had just done. And Karyn never pushed things past second base. But she'd still used magic to temporarily bind her.

Right. Karyn had used magic. Again. That meant that Sarah could punish her without consequence. Again.

Sarah got up and grabbed a tube sock from a drawer. Pulled it over her hand, and poked the end into her palm to form a mouth. Then she removed her hand and quickly used a needle and thread to sew the mouth into a permanent position.

"Karyn made me a puppet, and now I've made a puppet of her," Sarah whispered to herself. "I'll figure out what I want to do with you later." She put the puppet into her backpack, and did what she could to straighten herself out.

Karyn came back in the next moment, with a fresh face of makeup, but it was just to say goodbye. There weren't any mirrors in Sarah's room, so she had to make her own way down to the bathroom to see if she looked alright. A few splashes of water on her face, and a little soap, and she was okay. After running herfingers through her hair and she was even halfway-decent.

But halfway-decent was good enough. She was Sarah Gibson now, not Sarah McMillan. She just wanted to be halfway-decent. No more Oxbone Tavern. Now it was TGI Friday's, but only if Dad had some coupons.

Sarah gave herself one last look in the mirror. Took a breath. That's right. Sarah Gibson was average. Working-class. Plain. As she reminded herself of who she was supposed to be, she felt... it wasn't quite confidence, but maybe a sense of self-assuredness. She wasn't the kind of girl who had cheerleaders literally knocking on her door for make-out sessions. She wasn't involved in the popular crowd at all. No, she wasn't even going to think about that. She'd figure out what to do with Karyn later.

For now, Sarah was going to enjoy being a member of the Gibson family, just filling the role that Jon had left behind.

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