Yet another door opened, and this time nearly all the occupants looked up as a loud voice bellowed.
"Urgh, this outfit is awful." Jon's sister Zoe stormed out of the room, removing a black shawl from her shoulders and throwing it behind her.
"Think you'd look better in this, Freak" she added as Sarah McMillan followed behind her looking sullen and gloomy. She stopped and picked the shawl up, and swiftly wrapped around her own shoulders.
"Fuck you bitch" she snarled. "I can't believe I got paired with you of all people"
They both glared at each other for a few moments before Sarah stomped off and took a seat in the far corner of the room. Zoe rolled her eyes, and with a flick of her hair she turned and sat behind Mikey, grabbing her own magazine from the pile. Jon and Karyn exchanged glances as the last light turned off.