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11. Tiff steps out and Jen explore

10. DNA Recoder: Settling in

9. DNA Recoder: Heading home(?)

8. DNA Recoder: Tiffany Sanders

7. Jon chooses one of the flasks

6. Jon Picks The First Test

5. Science Experiment

4. Jon Gibson, Please Report to R

3. The Next Morning

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Tiff steps out and Jen explores

on 2020-10-05 21:23:40

2298 hits, 168 views, 1 upvotes.

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I poked around the room for a little while, acclimating to it, when I heard a knock on the door. Tiff popped it open and poked her head in. "Hey, Jenny, I need to run out for a cheer meeting. Last minute kind of thing. You gonna be good here on your own for a while?"

I glanced around the room then nodded, trying to ignore the now much longer hair. "I'm sure I can entertain myself for a bit."

"Cool, when I get back we can figure out what to do for the night. It'll be like a slumber party all week!" She sounded so happy that I couldn't help but smile myself. She didn't wait for a response before popping out of the door and disappearing. A few moments later, I heard her car start up and speed away. I stood in the room for a few moments before deciding to explore the place. I slowly left the room, then started walking around.

It was definitely bigger than any house I had ever been in. It took me longer to make it from one end to the front door than it would to explore my normal home. I found the kitchen, dining room, a couple of living rooms, and what must have been Tiff's parents room in my exploration, and I was sure there was still more to find. As I walked though, I was painfully aware of all of the changes in my body.

The way my boobs bounced with each step, even in the bra. Even my ass was jiggling more than normal. I could feel my thighs rubbing against each other and the absence of my dick. I found my way into one of the living rooms and sat on the couch. Leather, and probably very expensive. I raised my hands to my breasts and touched them, cautiously at first. Even through the top and the bra I could feel the pressure of my hands on the foreign mounds. I squeezed a bit, enjoying the sensation. I had never felt boobs before, and if someone had told me the first would be mine, well...

I slipped a hand under the top and bra, feeling my bare breast for the first time. My fingers moved until they found my nipple and I squeaked at the feeling that shot through me when I touched it. A jolt of pleasure shooting from my nipple to my crotch. Curiously, I pulled my hand back and slid it down, past my flat stomach and under the waistband of my borrowed yoga pants and thong. Curiously, I probed my new pussy and quickly found my clit. It sent a far more intense feeling through me, and I quickly felt a longing from my new genitals. A need to be filled. My fingers slipped in, trying to fill that need. Not enough.

Was this from Tiff? Was she, like, genetically predisposed to her slutty nature? She had quite the reputation, and if anything sexual felt this good to her, well...

I nearly jumped when I heard the doorbell ring, my hand flying out of my pants, though slicker than it had been. I glanced in the direction of the door. Should I answer, or hide away and hope whoever it was go away?

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