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36. Summoned

35. Tournament

34. Empress Visit

33. He Passes

32. Chosen

31. Concubines

30. Fallen

29. Cherub Advancement

28. Throne Advancement

27. Two Exams

26. Summon Friends

25. Drider Raid

24. Drider Curse.

23. Drow Settlement

22. Dagrechad

21. Eastward

20. Power Exam

19. Friendship

18. Sneak Off

17. Inquisition


avatar on 2020-09-24 14:45:36

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A week had past since then. I was relaxing in male form in my room when I a yellow popup appeared in front of me. I was being summoned via the contract. It gave me a 10 second count down. I had just enough time to scramble over to the door and lock it before I was taken to the emperor's bedroom. I crouched down on the ground and called out to Wang Jing. He just snickered at me from the bed. I stood up and looked at him. "Is there any danger?" I asked. He shook his head. I sighed and walked to the door. "I will take my leave, my lord." I said. "Wait!" he called out. I stood in place and waited. "I wanted to talk to you about something. Something important." I turned to look at him. It did look like he had something to say. I transformed into female form and sat on the bed. I was clearly very pregnant. Pregnancy in the game was nine weeks rather than nine months. It was to balance the time female Players would have with the debuffs of late term pregnancy. It balanced out the low fertility rate for male Players. That was pretty fair in my opinion.

The emperor's eyes were drawn to my swollen belly. It seemed I would bear his first children. Hua Mei was also pregnant, but a couple weeks behind. He blushed a bit when he saw me look at him. He then cleared his throat to gain some composure. "I was wondering what form you were going to compete in." I raised an eyebrow. "I do not understand what you mean. I need to be in female form for Consort Mao, correct? She set this thing in motion after all." I said. He said "You do have multiple forms, don't you!? You could compete more than once." I shrugged my shoulders. It would be a big hassle to pull off, but it was possible. I looked at him and said "I showed you five of my six forms because the las would not fit in this room. Even though I have six forms, I am only one entity." His eyebrows knit together in confusion. "What does that mean?" he asked. "It means I can only be at one place at a time. I am your low ranked concubine, Yawen. If you want me to take another form for any period of time, you'll have to explain where Yawen went."

He nodded in understanding. "Consort Mao expects me at the tournament so I have to use my female form. I've heard the tournaments were all happening at the same time. I can't compete that way." I explained. He smirked and said "You can." I raised an eyebrow at him. "I heard you were great at the bow. I made sure the archery tournament was last and separate from the others." That would work. "I see. I guess that does give me an option to compete in another tournament. What will my excuse be for my absence though?" I conceded. He said "I will order you to rest undisturbed in your home to prepare for your fight with Consort Mao. No one will dare bother you then." That might be true. Another pressing thing was giving birth to our child. I had the medical know how and the magic to do it on my own. It would mean that I would be able to do it in peace as long as I had the tools. I asked Wang Jing for them to be brought over. He nodded and assured me it would be delivered the next day. I thanked him and said "I might join the sword tournament."

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