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9. Gatherer

8. Making It

7. Oil Taken

6. Ghits

5. Role Reversal

4. Taberth

3. Beginners Luck

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

Nectar Collectors

avatar on 2020-09-23 15:30:06

527 hits, 11 views, 1 upvotes.

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I chose to be a Gatherer. Being a fighter was good and all, but I would need the bonuses to navigation, flight, and scouting if I ever wanted to strike out on my own. There were just more options. Merlit decided to choose the same class. The official clapped his hands and said "Excellent. You can go to the ground floor and fly up to your new position. Do not dawdle around the palace or you may find the guards a are bit more... probing than most." I got the message. Avoid the rapist palace guards. The official then showed us over to where we could find the stairs that went straight up to the ground floor. This staircase bypassed the servant's quarters and was very long as a result. We went over and took a rest at the bottom as there was an are to do so. As we were getting ready to go up, we heard Ghits as he approached with a very quiet Azex. "I thought we missed you. I am now a Fighter and Azex is coming along as he has my egg inside him." Azex just rolled his eyes. "That's a shame. We both are new Gatherers. We won't be seeing much of each other after this then." I said sarcastically.

Ghits narrowed his eyes at me. "Your lucky I had to put this one in their place. Otherwise, you'd have the egg in you." Most younglings like us only started with one egg. It took about an in game month to refill the amount of oil or an egg lost. However after three times, it progressively increased. Since I had taken oil three times, I would start to produce two eggs. If your oil was taken three times, you would start making more to compensate. The effects on the mind also started to take hold then as well. If it went to far in one direction, things took their course. If I had to choose, I'd rather be a egg layer than be stuffed with other's eggs. Ghits just grumbled as he moved past us. Azex just followed. We gave them 10 minutes before we went up. I did not want to be with them at all. Merlit shared the same sentiment. When we went up, it was not well lit. I thought it would be fine to just let us glow on the stairs. The both of us glowed a dim blue and white. It was our abdomens that glowed, so it did not light up that much in front of us. Two of us did spread it out enough to see where were going.

When we heard the commotion of fighting, we hurried to see what was going on. Azex and Ghits were fighting a couple of guards. We were warned of this and I just went past them. There was no way to fight them off at our level. They called out for help, but we ignored them. It was not our problem. When we got to the entrance, we took to the air and flew up until we got tired. We landed on the transitional floor and wandered around for a bit. We did not go to far from the landing area. Everyone was was out of our league. It could go really badly for us if we got any attention. When we could, we went to the gathering area. We were near the top of the hive. We were then approached by a gatherer. He asked "Are you the new recruits I am to be expecting?" We nodded and he sighed. "Luckily for you, we are just about to go out. Six squads of six go out at a time and we go in shifts. This is an efficient and necessary part of Wovili infrastructure. When you come back, you will learn how to make the honey, wax and royal jelly." We were then hurried into a group and we were sent off.

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