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10. Sarah is Still Talking

9. Sit?

8. Chair

7. Sarah

6. Jon and Karyn Go To School

5. Questions

4. Testing on two people

3. Role Exchanger

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Role Exchanger: Sarah is Still Talking

on 2012-08-11 15:54:28

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"Fine," Karyn said, and slowly started to lower herself onto Sarah.

"Someone needs to lose some weight," Sarah said.

Karyn jumped up only a second after she sat down. "Did you say something?" She demanded of Sarah.

"Now the loser is talking to a chair..." Sarah said. "And who got dressed in the dark today?"

Jon rolled his eyes. "Real improvement, Karyn," he said.

"It probably is, if her replacement is quiet," Karyn commented, glaring at Sarah, who seemed unresponsive when there were no stimuli, directed at her.

The bell rang and students started to file into the classroom. Carl James passed by them and plopped down on Sarah and scooted under a desk. Jon and Karyn watched in surprise.

Carl looked at them. "What's aren't in this class?"

"'re sitting on..." Jon said.

"Yeah? I always get try to get this one. It's the only one with cushioning. The others are so hard," he said. "I wish the school had bought more of this type."

Jon and Karyn fled the room, taking a moment in the hallway to compose themselves. "If Carl only knew," Jon said. "He's probably been wanting to get that close to Sarah for a long time."

"He still does," Karyn said. "I'm taking it first," she said, gesturing to the device in her pocket. "You can have it second period. We'll meet up in between classes." The two did not share classes during the day, usually meeting up in the hall.

"What about Sarah?"

"Sarah the Chair, or the Chair that is Sarah now?" Karyn asked. "We both have classes with her. We'll see what happens. Isn't that what you said? Experience the new reality...fix things tomorrow?"

Jon nodded. "Still, kind of weird to experience it," he said. "I guess I'll see you after the next bell," he said, heading toward his first period class.

Karyn headed in the opposite direction, looking around.

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