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8. Chair

7. Sarah

6. Jon and Karyn Go To School

5. Questions

4. Testing on two people

3. Role Exchanger

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Role Exchanger: Sarah and the Chair

on 2012-08-11 02:36:44

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"Who cares?" Karyn said, taking the exchanger and shooting Sarah with it. She paused for a moment, and looked around for the second target.

She shot the chair that Sarah had just gotten up from, a simple desk chair. It had a wooden seat and back mounted on metal legs.

It must have been a tall order for the device, because it took a few seconds, enough for Karyn, peeking around the doorframe, to see it all.

It happened like a slow motion movie. Sarah suddenly froze in mid-step. Her body then returned to a sitting position, except...there was no chair below her. She lowered her arms to the ground at her side to provide support against tipping over.

It looked like a strange cheerleading move, except even cheerleaders wouldn't hold their body in such an awkward position for any extended length of time.

The chair, by comparison, suddenly seemed to flatten, like a folding chair, the front legs sticking forward, the seat and back going parallel to each other. It somehow began to move out of the room under its own power, bookbag slung over one of the front legs, shuffling from side to side, despite having no visible means of locomotion.

Jon and Karyn hurried into the room. "Weird," Jon said. Sarah was still dressed in her normal clothes, and aside from the fact she completely still, freakishly so, she didn't look incredibly different.

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