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37. How do the mother's feel about

36. The girl has a very particular

35. Mickey comes across the boys w

34. Leaving the Ape-House

33. Going into the Ape House

32. Mickey transforms more people

31. Mikey's on a rampage

30. Taking care of business

29. way to the zoo

28. A new attraction

27. What an airhead

26. Taunting Jon

25. Jon balloons outward

24. Rubbing it it

23. Mikey's day out

22. Mikey sets his master plan in

21. Karen's Point of View

20. Mikey's Wicked Side Revealed

19. MIkey enjoys Veronica's situat

18. Home and back again

The end of a hippo

on 2017-03-21 00:29:19

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Sandra felt the motions of her new host walk. Her expansive cheeks swayed from side to side, the many residual fecal particles still stuck to her "face". Sandra had been the mother who fused herself with the hippopotamus. Though she was bonded to the hippo, she could only feel her "face" and a small area around it, what she presumed to be the buttocks. The lack of sensation was made up tenfold though. Her sphincter was obviously incredibly sensitive, her performance had been the single greatest climax of her life. She couldn't see much ether the tail blocked her view almost entirely, she could see some hairs, and the dim shadow of it. Looking straight down she saw a small slit of light, revealing the ground underneath the beast she now belonged too. But it was hard to focus on anything. Her earlier performance had quite latterly left a very bitter taste in her mouth. She of course had expected it, and heard that over time her mind will naturally come to accept and integrate the taste, whatever that meant. Then the beast was halted. She heard human footsteps as hand wrapped in a rubber glove lifted the now forever present tail. A beautiful blonde women greeted her, she wore a bobby pin on her nose, a doctor's mask, and a pair of thick lab goggles.

"Oh wow, hold on you're still pretty dirty." The woman said looking disgusted, dropping Sandra back into the darkness. Sandra felt embarrassed; it wasn't like she could help it. The fact that she had been a huge clean freak before not helping, she was now obviously on the complete opposite end. The gloved hand raised the tail again. "You won't need to close your eyes for this, there's a thick membrane protecting your eyes." As she said this a squirt bottle sprayed water into what was left of Sandra's face. A large paper towel then wiped away the rest. "Okay, there we go, all clean." She happily chirped. She briefly cleared her throat.

"Hi there! I'm Amy, I look after Betsi here." Sandra felt her entire face grow hot. She didn't expect someone this close. "You must be Mrs. Curtis, two blinks for yes, one for no." Two blinks. "Okay great! Now then, there's some procedure I have to brief you on ok?" Sandra hesitated then let out two blinks before looking confused. Amy laughed. "I guess it isn't like you have much of a choice now is it you big stinker?" What was meant to be a laugh was instead a fart. A small dry fart escaped Sandra's mouth involuntarily causing the woman to jump back. The Amy looked back a little shocked. "Was that a laugh?" Two blinks. She let out a light chuckle. "Now then, from now on, you are officially listed as a zoo employee. Your family, in this case your son and husband will get a monthly check for your services, as well as unlimited access to the zoo. We even have a small housing program just off site, and a job opportunity program if they so wish." Sandra continued to listen to the woman. "As you probably know, your generous contribution has several effects, you revitalize your host animal, you greatly increase their lifespan, and you make them much tamer and easier to work with." Sandra didn't know that last part. Amy continued. "Normally hippos are very difficult to approach, but now thanks to you, he wouldn't hurt a fly. Would you big guy?" Sandra felt a heavy pat on her cheek, the hippo letting out a loud deep grumble. "The amount of publicity it gets is also great for the zoo too." She said with a wink.

"Now then, we have some tests to do ok?" Two blinks. The woman stepped back to the side. "Great! First of all, can you talk at all?" A single blink. "Can you try to form any sounds?" Sandra tried to form any kind coherent human speech; unfortunately all that came out was weaker and weaker flatulence's. Sandra was surprised how out of breath she felt, she had hardly let out three times before she could hardly muster any sound at all, but it still tasted terrible. "Hmm, it seems still no luck in the vocal chords yet. A serious of other tests such as where her feeling ended, her sense of hearing. "Now then, the last questions." Sandra's world was once again dark as the woman dropped the tail. "Can you control your defecation?" She heard. Sandra had to focus a bit, but quickly she found a lump quickly flow up her throat. The taste reached her mouth as she began to gag. The tail in front of her began to buzz as a few droplets flew. Oh god it was the worst tasting thing ever, but even that little bit was as satisfying as a climax. The tail was lifted, as Amy once again wore a disgusted expression. A quick cleaning followed. Can you taste?" two blinks. The woman let out a sympathetic cringe. "Do you like the taste?" One big, hard, long blink. A hard no. "Yeah, sorry about that. I'm told, by both the egg heads and other employees that you learn to accept the taste." Sandra raised a single eyebrow. "Unfortunately it will probably take at least several months." What was meant as a yell instead came out as a massive fart. Amy took a couple shocked steps back. The tail blocked Sandra's sight once again. She heard gagging and coughing sounds. Sandra felt blood rush to her face, if she wasn't embarrassed before, she certainly was now. The tail was lifted up. Amy was clearly annoyed. "Mrs. Curtis please try to control yourself. I understand your inexperience of your new position but in the future if you're incapable of handling the responsibilities of your new position or deliberately cause trouble we can return all muscle control to Betsi." Sandra's eyes hit the ground. Her face had never felt hotter. Slowly her eyes met up with Amy's. Amy's face quickly relaxed as she let out a sigh. "Sorry about that. We're all a little stressed because of all the work that's been piling on. This whole merging thing has just sky rocketed in popularity. We're a little over worked you could say." Sandra gave Amy a sympathetic look. "Anyway, don't get used to those wash downs. You chose your position." She said with a wink and a small chuckle. "I'll let you and Betsi get settled. I think your boy and husband will be here shortly." Sandra's view vanished as the tail plopped back down.

Sandra felt Betsi being led somewhere, probably the enclosure. Sandra was surprised at how at ease she felt with everything. She was quite happy with her strange decision. The stress of life was left behind. No one really expected anything of her anymore, mostly because no one could expect anything. A woman who was once a neat freak, a worry wart mother, and a busy body was now an anus, hidden under a thick tail. Rarely ever allowed to show her poo covered face to the outside world. She relaxed, she thought of the two most important things to her now, her husband and son, and for her next "performance". Surprisingly, she couldn't tell which she wanted more.

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