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36. The girl has a very particular

35. Mickey comes across the boys w

34. Leaving the Ape-House

33. Going into the Ape House

32. Mickey transforms more people

31. Mikey's on a rampage

30. Taking care of business

29. way to the zoo

28. A new attraction

27. What an airhead

26. Taunting Jon

25. Jon balloons outward

24. Rubbing it it

23. Mikey's day out

22. Mikey sets his master plan in

21. Karen's Point of View

20. Mikey's Wicked Side Revealed

19. MIkey enjoys Veronica's situat

18. Home and back again

17. Mikey wants to know what is go

The winning Butt

on 2014-01-10 00:54:03

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The girl turned towards Mickey with sad eyes and told him her problem: "I wish my mother would do something like this. I'd love to boast about my mom being a giant asshole, like Don and the others."

"But my mom will never do that," she continued. "She thinks these transformations are disgusting. She totally hates them."

Saying this, Jon noticed the tall woman nearby. Unlike everybody else, she was actually scowling with contempt at the employees who had just turned another woman into a hippopotamus' asshole. He was pretty sure that this was the girl's mother. She seemed quite young, still in her twenties, and looked like a millionaire's trophy wife. She was tall and beautiful, with a slender, well proportioned body, except for her breasts, which were so large that they were certainly fake. Her face looked like it had been sculpted, smooth with high cheek-bones and thick, kissable lips. She wore an expensive-looking, tight designer dress, including high-heels, a wide designer hat and sleek sun-glasses, making her stand out for looking completely out of place here. She rather belonged in a high-society party or official event, not in the zoo with her daughter. In addition she extruded an aura of arrogance, her expression haughty and aloof. Jon was not surprised that this woman would dislike transformations like these with a passion.

The girl sighed and her shoulders dropped a little more: "That's the worst birthday, ever."

Jon saw his brother's face. It had the same expression that he has always shown so far, just before transforming someone. He clearly had an idea. He looked back to the woman, expecting her to be some animal's body-part now. To his surprise, she was still standing there. Jon couldn't make out any physical alterations, she was still the same, she even still looked with the same disdain at the zoo-employees and the mess that the hippo had left. What was Mickey's plan, had he used his powers or not?

Suddenly Jon's thoughts were interrupted by the lab-guy on the stage shouting loudly: "Since we are already here with all our equipment, are there any birthday children who have a special wish we could fulfill?"

The sad little girl's face lightened up immediately. She raised both her arms, waving wildly, shouting: "Here, here. Its my birthday today."

The employee saw her and beckoned her to come over. She ran off with a big smile, leaving Mickey and his balloon-sister/brother floating next to him. Jon gave his brother an odd look, wondering what he had done. "Birthday children"? That made no sense. Mickey noticed his expression but only answered with a knowing grin, confirming that he was responsible for this odd turn of events.

Once the girl was on the platform, after having been greeted by the audience's applause, the employee asked her a few questions and allowed her to introduce herself. Her name was Fiona and it was her sixth birthday. Jon noticed with some surprise that her mother was looking extremely shocked now, almost terrified. She seemed just about to interrupt the whole thing but before she could do so, her daughter was asked the one important question: "What would you like us to do, little one? You have one wish."

The girl didn't even think about it, she immediately answered: "I want my mommy to be the biggest anus in the world. So she can poo even more than the other women."

The other kids looked quite impressed by that wish, although the boy called Don looked a little insulted, he probably didn't like the idea that somebody else was about to steal his mother's fresh "fame". The girl's mother on the other hand looked like she had been hit by lightning, her expression showing wide eyed horror. She was clearly not happy about that particular wish. While the bystanders took it with humor and even the employees chuckled warmly, she rushed to the platform and began to plead with her offspring:

"Darling, what about a different wish?" she said in soft tones, her voice pleading. "I could get you the pony you always wanted or we could go to Disneyworld."

The mother was clearly afraid, speaking from the crack in her voice, she was just about to panic. Jon wondered why. After all, every transformee so far had been a volunteer.

"No, I want you to be a big animal butt" Fiona answered, folding her arms to underline her determination. The other kids were spurring her on by now, supporting her choice with cheerful "Yeah" and "That'd be so cool", even Don.

"But your mommy doesn't want to be an animal's anus. Furthermore I wouldn't be home anymore," the woman continued, desperately trying to somehow convince the girl to change her mind.

The girl simply shook her head and said: "No. Daddy is still there and will surely get a nanny. And the other women like to be buttholes."

By now two large men, both zoo-keepers, had arrived on the stage, probably called by the lab-guys.

"I am sorry, Ma'm, you have heard the girl," one said, as both took hold of the woman's arms, as if she was a common criminal.

"No, please. You can't," she pleaded.

"You know the zoo-rules," one of the lab-employees answered for the zoo-keepers, stepping closer to the young mother, while his colleague prepared the injector. "Every minor in this zoo that has birthday, has a wish free, unless it involves murder or physical harm to our animals. Individual rights are overruled by this wish, as is allowed by the Individual Corporate Law Right. If you had known about your daughter's wish, you shouldn't have come here today. I am sorry but my hands are tied."

The zoo-keepers dragged the pleading mother to the edge of the stage and started to forcefully undress her. Her feeble attempts at fending them off were useless. Meanwhile the lab-employee turned back to the little girl, which seemed completely unfazed by her mother's panic.

"I think we got just the perfect animal for your wish," he told her with a smile. "We were planing to fuse it soon anyway. So its the perfect opportunity. Just take a look."

Saying this he pointed at the gate. Just at that moment the same zoo-keeper who had taken care of Betsi the hippo, came through it. Jon expected an elephant but instead something different raised its head above the fence before stomping through the gate. People gawked, the kids were silent in wide eyed astonishment and Jon couldn't believe his eyes. It was an animal that shouldn't be, an animal that was technically extinct. It was front heavy and long-necked, looking like a crossbreed between giraffe and rhinoceros. He knew the name. It was an Indricotherium, an extinct, hornless relative of the modern rhinoceros. It was a massive animal, despite its long legs and neck, it still had the massive build of a pachyderm, only that this specimen had a shoulder height of about five meters and was probably eight to nine meters long. It was almost like a dinosaur walking onto the yard. Despite its size, the animal peacefully followed the zoo-keeper. Jon had so many questions, especially why this creature was even here, alive and breathing. He noticed Mickey looking at him with a wide grin.

"I've also seen the documentary, remember?" he explained. "So I simply decided to make these animals not extinct anymore. I thought he'd fit perfectly for this."

Jon was shocked by this revelation. So far Mickey had only used his powers for straight on transformations, everything else had been a by-product so far, but apparently he was now starting to alter reality in more subtle ways. First changing the zoo's rules and the legal system to fit and then recreating this animal.

"You now what this is?," the zoo-keeper asked Fiona who was staring at the beast in awe.

"Y...yes. I've seen them in TV. Its an Indi...Indo...Indrisomething."

The man chuckled and ruffled the girl's hair. Then he explained: "An Indricotherium or Paraceratherium. They are very rare and can only be found in some remote areas of east Asia.
Ju Ren here arrived two months ago. We are still working on his enclosure."

The girl's only answer was an amazed "wow". Probably not because of the explanation but because of the animal, which had reached the platform. Since it was far too massive to stand on it, the zoo-keeper led it to stop just at the edge of the stage, with its rear facing the audience. Everybody could see that this specimen was a male.

The employee on the stage smiled, possibly amused by how awed everybody was. He knelt down to look Fiona in the eyes, putting a hand on her shoulder, and asked: "We are ready. You still want your mother to be transformed? We can never turn her back."

The girl beamed with joy: "Yes, yes. Lets start."

She jumped around and ran closer to the waiting Indricotherium. The other children moved around the stage, too, eager to get the best viewpoints. The girl's mother was already naked and still held by the two zoo-keepers. She had given up struggling, although her face was still fraught with fear and despair. She truly looked like a porn star or a rich man's perverted fantasy: Long slender legs, a big perky butt, an impossibly narrow waist, two large orbs for breasts, E-cups at least but clearly fake ones, everything shaven and smooth. Not long and all of that would be gone. With a weak voice, she was still pleading with the men holding her, in the desperate hope that they might maybe let her go. She was crying by now, the idea of becoming this animal's butt obviously her worst nightmare. But it was of no avail. Both men dragged the crying woman forcefully towards the waiting beast.

She even tried to plead with her daughter when she was standing right beneath the massive rear:
"Please, honey. Please, make them stop. I give you everything you want but please. I don't want to be a stinking asshole."

"Don't cry, Mommy," the girl said in a comforting tone. "You will like it. It will be so cool."

"There is no going back, anyway," the other lab-employee said as he injected the nanites into the woman's shoulder, right before injecting the remaining load into the animals anus, although he needed a ladder to reach it.

"Okay boys, lift her up," he said afterwards. The zoo-keepers understood and grabbed the girl's mother at her hips in order to lift her up towards the beast's anus. She struggled and screamed, desperately trying to get away, but it was hopeless. The men were far too strong. They easily lifted her above their heads, the woman's feeble attempts at resistance unable to dislodge their grips. After a moment her shoulder blades touched the large beast's anus, which was all it needed for the nano-machines to activate. Like before they worked surprisingly fast, human and animal flesh merging together in seconds. The screaming woman was immediately sinking into the massive rear. When the zoo-keepers removed their hands, she kept stuck to it, while her body rapidly lost form. Her legs shrank into her increasingly formless lower body, which already started to sag, as if boneless. It almost looked as if her body was sucked through her upper back into the Indricotherium's body. A moment later her arms deflated and vanished, too, reducing her struggle to the desperate wriggling of what was left of her torso. For a moment it made her inflated breasts bounce in an enticing fashion but then they got sucked into the animal, too, with two odd "plop" sounds. All the while the big creature only snorted now and then, as if barely noticing what was going on.

Eventually the young mother's head was all that was left of her, nestled between the beast's gargantuan ass cheeks. She pleaded a last time, as her skin changed into the thick, grey hide of the animal. The process was almost the same as before, as Don's mother had become a hippo's anus, the nose melting away and the mouth imploding into its new, puckered shape, just before swelling to its proper size. At last the former woman's eyes moved a little bit further apart, due to the size of the anus beneath. She was crying heavily, her tears streaming down the large grey cheeks, while weak fart-like whistles escaped the massive orifice.

"What do you think?" the first lab-employee asked Fiona who was staring in wide-eyed wonder at her transformed mother.

It took her a moment to turn her head and answer. Her dropped jaw turned quickly into a wide grin.

"Its so cool. Thank you. Thank you." she said, barely able to contain her excitement. Then she turned around and looked up again at her mother. "Don't cry, Mommy. You look great. I bet you are the biggest asshole ever. Hi, hi. Can you take a poo, please, Mommy? It want to see you poop. Pleaaasseee."

What remained of her mother looked strangely surprised, either because of the odd compliment or because she didn't expect her daughter's very obvious request. Then she blinked several times, some short farts escaping her new "mouth". The distress in her eyes indicated that she most probably wanted to say "no".

"Oh, please, Mommy," Fiona insisted. The other kids joined her. They wanted to see what such a gigantic ass could produce.

Suddenly an immense fart thundered across the yard. The former woman's eyes were wide with shock, as if she couldn't believe what had just escaped her wrinkled sphincter. Suddenly another fart resounded, almost as load as the one before, causing the anus to visibly vibrate. Then another. The mother's eyes were full of confusion and shock, blinking rapidly in panic.

"We better get him a few steps back, it seems he is just about to dump a load," said the zoo-keeper next to the Indricotherium, causing the children to cheer. "You might not now, but after a fusion the Ju Ren always has to take a poo, this way the nano-machines remove unused bodymass."

He led the giant beast carefully towards the gate until it was a save distance away from everybody else. All the while the farting intensified, growing in frequency and volume. It had barely stopped when it's giant anus swelled enormously and pushed outwards. It continued to swell until the sphincter was finally stretched open by a gigantic, brown lump of dung. The massive chunk was as large as the children and was pushed out at a surprisingly slow pace. The mother's eyes rolled back into their sockets and shut tightly, as her new anus-mouth was stretched impossibly wide. She didn't seem in pain, although her expression seemed like something between disgust and pleasure. The big lump of dung had barely hit the ground when another one pushed its way through the wide open anus. One massive piece of shit after another. It took several minutes, since each lump moved only very slowly. Eventually the last poo dropped, followed by two round objects that were ejected from the anus with popping sounds. Jon recognized them as silicone-implants. So they had really been fake all along. Finally the young mother's anus-mouth relaxed and deflated back into the animal's crack. Her eyes looked exhausted, no surprise after her ordeal, while an enormous pile of steaming dung rested beneath the beast's rear, as tall as a man.

Children and bystanders were speechless, gawking at the biggest pile of shit they had every seen. A moment later the kids broke into loud laughter and cheering.

"That was soooo gross. You are awesome, Mommy," Fiona shouted.

Her mother only reacted by looking at her daughter with an expression of tired recognition.

The second employee, the one who had injected the former woman with the nanites, moved towards the rear of the Indricotherium, holding a form of tablet computer now. He padded the animal on its hind leg and looked up to the Fiona's mother: "Did you like that, Mrs DeCherold?"

His question was answered by a slow blink and a weak, whistling fart. It almost seemed like a "yes" but it was impossible to be sure. The employee looked like he decided to take it as a confirmation nonetheless. He then turned around towards the stage and shouted: "Hey Fiona. Would you like to see your mom poop some more?"

Logically the children answered by screaming "yeah" and cheering. The girl nodded enthusiastically.

"You know," the man continued. "We wanted to test a new type of nanite-programming, so that we could produce dung on an industrial scale, to sell to local farmers. Indricotherium dung is known as a fantastic fertilizer. Basically the animal would never stop pooping. The nano-machines would turn its digestive system a thousand times more efficient and convert unused gases that are absorbed through lungs and skin. What do you think? We decided to leave the choice to you."

The girl seemed astonished by the the prospect. After a moment of silent contemplation, she asked with a wide smile: "You mean Mommy would always poo? Like all the time?"

The employee nodded: "Yes. Non-stop. Day and night."

The girl's smile grew wider. The mother's eyes on the other hand grew wide in shock, maybe the previous session had been enjoyable but this was obviously a whole different story. Unfortunately it was not her choice. Fiona nodded and said: "Yes. Do that. That sounds totally cool."

The man smiled and pushed a few commands on his computer.
"Done," he said. "The transformation is now sealed and not reversible."

He was interrupted by a load fart. The former woman's eye were still wide, it seemed like she would panic, knowing what was about to happen. Her new "mouth" swelled like before and soon enough was stretched open once more by a massive lump of dung. Again one chunk of the stinking brown substance was followed by another. This time, however, it didn't stop. It would never stop. Maybe slow down when the animal slept, but there would be no pause.

The mother's eyes showed again an expression between disgust, fear and intense pleasure, as her tears were running down the dung covered cheeks of the animal's rear. Who knew how she would adjust to her new life. Her daughter on the other hand joined the cheering of the other kids. This was far grosser and more amazing than all the previous transformations. All of them agreed that Fiona had the best mom of them all, she was truly the biggest asshole ever now. The little girl's chest swelled with pride.

"Okay, that's enough for now," the zoo-keeper said and led the gigantic beast slowly back to were it belonged. Fiona waved her mother good bye, although she didn't seem to notice, too occupied by the endless pooping. Some other zoo-employees already appeared with shovels and pushcarts in order to remove all the dung.

Eventually the children calmed down and Fiona left the stage to join the other kids. The lab-employee told them that their fathers or other relatives would be informed and later come to pick them up. After everything was done and over, but before the bystanders dispersed, the lab-employee from before went back to the front of the stage and shouted: "Before we leave. Are there any more birthday children here?"

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