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35. Mickey comes across the boys w

34. Leaving the Ape-House

33. Going into the Ape House

32. Mickey transforms more people

31. Mikey's on a rampage

30. Taking care of business

29. way to the zoo

28. A new attraction

27. What an airhead

26. Taunting Jon

25. Jon balloons outward

24. Rubbing it it

23. Mikey's day out

22. Mikey sets his master plan in

21. Karen's Point of View

20. Mikey's Wicked Side Revealed

19. MIkey enjoys Veronica's situat

18. Home and back again

17. Mikey wants to know what is go

16. Jon is a sign of the times

Competing Butts

on 2014-01-07 23:49:17

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When Jon and Mickey came across the rhinoceros enclosure, they saw the two boys from earlier passing by, the ones who's mother was now a camel's asshole. They ran towards another boy of the same age. His mother was standing nearby. She was not as much of a porn-star-like hottie as the other boys' mother had been, before becoming an anus, but she was still very pretty. Very slender and with a short haircut, she had kind of a tomboyish appearance with a truly beautiful face. Looking younger than the other woman had been, there was a certain impression of innocence. She smiled at the kids warmly and then turned around to watch the animals, leaving the kids to their conversation. Mickey got curious and moved a bit closer to hear what the boys were talking about.

"Our Mommy just took such a shit," one of the camel anus' sons told the other boy, his voice heavy with amazement and childish pride. He spread his arms as wide as he could to emphasize the point. "You should have seen it, Billy."

"Yeah, it was totally gross. So cool," the boy's brother added.

"Really? Wow," the kid called Billy answered them. There was a strange tone of envy in his voice. "I wonder. What if my mom could do that? But she'd never get herself fused. Your mom is so cool."

Hearing that, Mickey grinned evilly and said to Jon: "I think we can help here."

Suddenly Billy's mother, standing at the railing, disappeared. Jon had a bad feeling about that. He noticed that her son looked different now. Before he had had that strange look between awe and defeated envy, now he was standing more upright and proud. When he talked, Jon realized that Mickey's involvement had erased the last moment's of the children's discussion from existence.

"Oh, you think your mom can poo a lot," Billy said in a challenging tone. "Just take a look."

The kid turned around and ran towards the railing of the rhinoceros enclosure and leaned as far over it as he could. He shouted at the rhino standing there: "Hey Mom, Lenny and Karl say that their mom can make a huge pile of poo. Can you show them what you can do?"

Jon almost expected it. The rhino was standing so, that he could see its rear and, yes, the young mother had become the rhino's asshole, which to top things off turned out to be a male. Oddly enough her eyes were not above the dirty asshole but beneath it. Jon noticed that they were actually upside down. He wondered if the former woman now saw the world the wrong way around, too. Just the fought of spending your life like this, made him feel dizzy. The former woman's eyes were watching her son with the same amount of warmth and love as before. Like with the camel, the boy's request was answered by a load fart, quickly followed by a second fart and then another. Jon noticed that they began to sound increasingly wet. Furthermore the mother's eyes were tightly shut, as if she was concentrating on something.

"What's going on?" One of the other boys asked, giggling about the farts.

"She always needs some time to prepare. Just wait and see," Billy answered with a wide grin.

Just as he said that the former woman's "mouth" spread incredibly wide and protruded outwards, just before releasing a series of brick sized blocks of dung. It didn't seem to stop, one pile of shit followed the other. During the procedure, the woman's eyes were shut tight in a way, as if the act of shitting was very straining but at the same time pleasurable, too. A hard work that one enjoyed nonetheless. Finally the rhino stopped pooping and its pink, loose anus relaxed again. The mother seemed slightly dizzy from exhaustion, as far as Jon could tell.

The children looked with awe at the huge mound of steaming rhino dung. There was an odd look of respect in their faces, like this massive pile of shit had been one of the greatest achievements they have ever witnessed.

"See, I told ya," Billy told them, with a broad, proud grin. "Thanks, Mommy, you are the best."

His compliment was answered by a fart, that actually managed to sound exhausted.

Mikey was just about to go on, when another boy suddenly ran towards the kids. He must have been running like crazy, for he almost fell over, breathing heavily, when he finally reached them. Nevertheless there was a kind of joyful excitement about him, like he needed to share some great news.

"G...guys," he managed to say between ragged breaths. " need to come with me."

"What's up, Don, what happened?" Billy asked him, looking puzzled.

" mom is about to get changed," he said, unable to suppress a wide smile. "Its so awesome."

"What is she gonna become?" the kid called Lenny asked, his interest picked.

"You'll see. Follow me," Don said and turned around. "If you think your mothers can shit a lot, just wait till my mom has been fused."

Now the other kids were truly curious. They rand after their friend, still asking him about details but he wouldn't answer, unwilling to give away the surprise. This turn of events had honestly surprised Mickey. Sure, his doings had changed reality to accommodate all those bizarre changes and give them at least some form of reason, but he hadn't expected that this would cause even more transformations, transformations he was not responsible for. It seemed like this reality had gotten a dynamic of its own. Mickey smiled, this could be interesting.

Quickly he followed the kids, dragging Jon behind him. They ran across half the zoo, until they finally stopped at the far corner of the park, in front of a building that looked like a mixture between a small science-lab and a utility shed. There was a group of people watching the unfolding spectacle, they looked like nothing more than curious bystanders, visitors of the zoo that just happened to be around. In the middle of the yard was a wooden platform. Waiting on it were two zoo-employees in cloaks, looking like scientists, and a woman, most likely Don's mother. She looked like she was in her thirties. Similar to Billy's mother, she was not a porn-star but still quite beautiful in an understated, humble way. She was a bit more curvy than the other mothers had been. In fact she looked very womanly, her feminine curves and large breasts, giving her a motherly appearance. In addition she had a lovely, freckled face, framed by red locks. She only wore a plain medical gown, like a patient in a hospital, and seemed quite embarrassed at being exposed like this. She tried to hide it behind a smile but she was blushing nonetheless.

Mickey wondered how they would transform her, as he was the only person with magical powers, as far as he knew. So far nobody had spoken about what method was used to cause such unnatural transformations. All he could see on the platform was a small, metallic canister. Whatever was inside was probably kept frozen, as pale steam or smoke was emitted from the closed top. Mickey could actually see a thin sheen of ice on its surface. Curious, he took his place among the other bystanders.

The kids took position right at the platform, while Don jumped onto it to greet his mother.

"Billy and the others are here, now," he said, his voice full of excitement. "Are you ready yet? When do they start."

His mother smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

"Actually we can start, now," one of the employees said. "They are getting Betsi into place."

Mother and son turned around. Just in that moment a zoo-keeper came through an open gate, which lead to a yard behind the lab. Right behind him a massive hippopotamus shambled into view. It was a massive, chubby beast, following the man without hurry. Calm and peaceful, it allowed the zoo-keeper to lead it onto the stage via a ramp and take position so, that the bystanders had a good view onto its rear. It was quite obvious that this one was a female. The children seemed awed by the proportions of the animal. It was not necessarily bigger than the rhinoceros but made up for it with its girth.

"Everything's in position," the employee on the platform said. "Ehm...would you please undress, Mrs Davies?"

The woman blushed but first she gave her son a kiss on his forehead. He responded with a wide grin, barely able to wait for what was going to happen. Her face still glowing, the mother pulled the medical gown over her head, revealing that she had been nude beneath all along. A few bystanders blushed or mumbled among themselves, one young man actually gave an indecent whistle. Jon couldn't blame him, the woman was beautiful, not like a slender supermodel, but a womanly beauty. She had smooth, pale skin, large breasts with puffy nipples and a big but perky butt. With some surprise, he noticed that she was fully shaven down below. It was such a shame, such a waste of a beautiful woman, he thought.

Nevertheless, after throwing away the gown, Don's mother moved right next to the waiting hippo's butt. At the same time one of the employees opened the canister and removed what to Jon looked like some kind of injection-gun. At first he almost mistook it for a pistol but the needle-tip and barrel were easy to spot. The latter was filled with a silvery fluid, that looked like mercury. Without hesitation he went to the woman and asked her if she was ready. The mother gave her son a last smile and nodded. Without any further words, the man pressed the gun against her shoulder and shot half of the mercury-like substance into her system, causing her to wince. After that he turned to the hippo and carefully injected the remaining substance into the flesh of its thick anus.

"If you would, please," he said to the woman, pointing at the hippo's butt with one hand. "The nanites should activate immediately by touch."

Jon noticed Mickey's face light up with understanding, when these words left the employee's mouth. Jon understood as well. Nanites. That was the answer. That's how they explained all of Mickey's doings in this adjusted reality. All those crazy transformation, hell, his very own body, were the product of nano-machines. This new reality must be technologically more advanced in order to cope with his brother's misdeeds. Obviously that was also, what had been in the injector.

"I love you, honey," Mrs Davies told her son. "Take good care of your dad."

"Alright," Don answered. "That's so cool."

At the same time the woman pressed her butt against the hippo's rear. The nano-machines activated with a visible glow at the point woman and animal touched. They worked quicker than Jon or Mickey would have imagined. A surprised "Oh" escaped the soon-to-be-an-anus woman's lips as her entire body started to move. Her flesh was wobbling like jelly, while it visibly shrank away. It was almost as of she was melting or deflating, quickly her arms shriveled away, then her breasts deflated and merged into her torso, which itself was collapsing into her belly. At the same time her head sank into her vanishing neck, the flesh fusing, hair falling out. After only few moments her pretty face was left on the blobish mass, that her entire upper body had once been.

Meanwhile her belly continued to deflate and shrink, while her crotch smoothed over, her vagina disappearing completely. A few moments later her yet unchanged face protruded from between her own legs, which seemed to grow from the hippo's butt by now. Finally her feet left the ground, however, as her last remaining limps suffered the same fate as her former arms, rapidly melting away, just to disappear into the animal's flesh. It had taken less than five minutes and all that was left of the boy's mother was her face which was now positioned right beneath the animals tail. The zoo-keeper was nice enough to lift the fleshy appendage by the tip, so that everybody could see the last stages of the transformation. The woman looked a little confused as her skin darkened and turned the same color as the hippo's hide. Then her nose began to shrink, her nostril sealed up and a moment later there was only smooth skin left. Eventually the woman made a surprised sound, right before her mouth seemed to implode. It almost looked like she had eaten something very sour but within the blink of an eye her lips disappeared as her mouth finished its transition into the wrinkled, puckered asshole of an hippopotamus. Afterwards her eyes moved slightly closer together, while the sphincter muscle swelled a little. The pretty young mother was gone forever, instead she would now spend the rest of her life as the anus of this animal.

The eyes above the swollen orifice blinked in confusion, probably surprised that the transformation was over now. Then they turned into what Jon assumed to be a smile, although her mouth couldn't mirror the expression. Happily the former woman looked at her son, just before a wet fart escaped her sphincter-mouth, causing all the children, including her son to giggle. She looked puzzled.

"I am sorry, Mrs Davis. You probably haven't been told," the employee who had injected her with the nanites, said. "You see, there are several animals, including the hippopotamus, where we cannot create working vocal chords connected to the anus. I am sorry to say so, but you will not be able to talk ever again."

The woman didn't seem particularly worried or angry at this. Her expression, or what was left of it, was still joyful and she turned her eyes back to her son.

"You look so cool, Mom," he said to the anus, then turning around to face his friends. "That's so awesome. See guys, I told you she would be super cool."

He turned back to his mother, jumping up and down with excitement: "Could you take a poo, please? We want to see how much you can produce."

The other boys agreed and expressed their own wish to see that kind of spectacle.

"Ha ha, just a moment, my boy," the zoo-keeper said with smile. "We better let Betsi move some steps away, since this will be a little messy."

Saying this he dropped the tail, which immediately fell over the woman's eyes, blocking her sight. No matter if she had expected it or not, she'd spend most of her new life in darkness. Gently the man lead the hippo back towards the gate, until it was standing about twenty meters away from the platform and anybody else.

"If you like, you can let loose now," he shouted towards Betsi's rear, while he got himself into save distance, too.

Suddenly a brown shower erupted from the hippo's butt. As these animals usually do to mark their territory, Betsi was not just dropping her poo but using her tail to fling it around like a sprinkler. Thick pieces of shit were flying everywhere. Some almost reached the bystanders but luckily nobody got hit. The children were watching the spectacle with wide eyed wonder, while Don looked extremely proud of his new mom.

Not long and it was over, leaving a spread-out mess behind the animal. Pieces of dung were still dropping from the tail and dirty butt. The zoo-keeper moved back towards her rear, quickly putting on rubber gloves. He then carefully lifted the animal's tail again, so that everybody could see the shit-smeared "face" of the former woman. All of it was covered in shit. Nevertheless her eyes were beaming with pride and happiness. Oddly enough, she seemed to enjoy her new life greatly. She winked at her son and released an extremely loud fart, some remaining pieces of dung being ejected with it. After that the man let go of the tail, plunging the mother back into darkness, and finally led the hippo back through the gate from where it would be brought back to its enclosure.

At the same time the kids were waving at the leaving animal and its new asshole, Don was shouting after her, telling her how amazing she was. To Jon's surprise, even the bystanders were applauding. Apparently such transformations were considered great entertainment in this new reality. Everybody seemed happy, except for one. Mickey noticed a girl sulking next to him, she was about the same age as the boys at the platform, and she wore a look of heavy disappointment.

Curious, Mickey turned towards her: "Hey, what's up? Why do you look so sad?"

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