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7. The Exam

6. A Demonstration

5. Introduction

4. Damascus Boy's Academy

3. Beginners Luck

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

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avatar on 2020-09-07 23:35:33

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The week came and went pretty quickly. We all had to take turns and get blood drawn and a saliva swab. It was to test our gender and power level. We each got a plain looking manila folder with our names on it. When school let out for the day, the others came up to me and asked what I got. I said "It's pretty personal, guys. I'm keeping it to myself." "C'mon! We're all friends here." Jack said as he put his arm across my shoulder. Desmond nodded with a smirk and said "We know there's no way you're a sub." "I just want to know how strong you are." Jack added for good measure. I rolled my eyes and looked at them seriously. "You sure you want to do this? I won't be the only one." I warned. The warning went over their heads. I sighed and told them to follow me. We went behind the school near the incinerator. I had us all huddle up in a circle. I was between Desmond and Mike. "All right then. This is how we'll do it. On the count of three, we each pass the folders one spot to the right. Is that okay with you guys?" They all nodded and let me count down. I did and we each passed it.

I got Desmond's folder from him. He was looking pretty confident. I looked them all in the eyes and said "No reading over anyone's shoulders. Read it quiet and put it back in the folder when your done." They nodded and we all opened it to get the papers inside out. I saw that Desmond was a Dom with the gender level of 78. That was a pretty close call. He also had a power level of 80. That put him on track to enter a top tier hero school if he wanted. I read a bit further, the main information was on the front page. I put it away and saw everyone else was finished as well. "This time we pass it two spaces to the left. Get it?" They nodded and I had Mike's in my hands. I saw he was a sub. with a 52 gender level. His power level was 55. "I want mine back. Give it." Evan said. It seemed as if he was getting to the end of his composure. "If you feel that way, we'll all get ours back. This is based on trust and friendship anyway." I gave Mike his and took mine from Desmond. We each read our own and I already mine so it was not a big deal to me. I wondered what the others thought.

Jack looked nervous and said "Did anyone get sub?" Mike's wings buzzed nervously. It would have gave him away unless I stepped forward and said "I looked at Desmond and Mike. They were both Doms. Mike was like a 12 though." Mike and Jack both looked at me in disbelief. They were the only two that could know I lied. Jack looked like he was going to say something when Evan pointed at Jack and said "Jack, you're the only sub here." "No. I saw Dustin is a Switch. He is a sub of 20." I rolled my eyes and said "I'm a Dom of 30. It doesn't matter though. I'm going to be a hero." Jack looked upset and pointed at Mike "Tell the fucking truth Mike! I saw your papers." he snapped. Mike pushed him back and said "Fuck you! I'm a Dom. Why the fuck would Dustin lie about it? Did he lie about Desmond too!?" Mike said in a blind panic. Desmond turned Jack around by the shoulders. Jack was pissed and he said "What!?" "Kneel." growled Desmond. Jack immediately knelt. We all looked at each other surprised. Jack got to one knee before he panted. "There's no fucking way." he muttered out loud.

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