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23. Drow Settlement

22. Dagrechad

21. Eastward

20. Power Exam

19. Friendship

18. Sneak Off

17. Inquisition

16. New Rank

15. Principality Exam

14. Connections

13. Karlel's Quest

12. Logging Off

11. Both Pass

10. Courtly Life

9. Captured

8. Archangel Exam

7. Principality Arariel

6. Profession Points

5. Schedule

4. World of Vallysuim

Rite of Passage

avatar on 2020-08-22 16:38:10

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It was a long and bloody decade. We held Dagrechad from three invasion forces from the orcs. It was mostly me doing the work, but it did not matter. It seemed that if the elves were doing the worst, the orcs were only slightly better. In a decade, the three invasion attempts were all we saw of the Orkish warbands. About seven years in to the occupation, I went off further eastward and found another settlement. It was a full week off by foot. I smiled as I waited for the night to fall. When it did, it was the same as the first settlement. It was my fifth Orkish prince murdered. I saved the elves and killed everyone else. We spent a week cleaning and clearing. We loaded the wagons and brought it to Dagrechad. When then split the numbers and sent some of the warriors of Dagrechad and returned to the new camp. Dagrechad got some reinforcements from the Wood elves. We called the new settlement Ohtatimeáro in honor of the warrior who took the settlement, me. The word was from one of the old languages for a warrior. The other three years were in relative peace.

Being in the new settlement was nice. I replicated the culture in this settlement as well. It was easy as there were a mixture of prisoners and Dagrechad elves. It settled us and raised morale right away. There were about 54 of us in Ohtatimeáro. Dagrechad was about 70 or so. I convinced them that the way to ensure our preservation was breeding like the orc. The elves tended to stay within their ethnic group. I was the only Drow so I had an excuse not to breed. The breeding slaves gave birth and we culled the half elves. I decided that it would be worth it to find a Drow settlement and rouse them to victory. I took a wagon and set off with a map for the Drow capitol. It took me a month to get to the area. When I got there, I saw some human snooping around. It seemed they were also looking for the entrance to the settlement. I watched over them and saw them get pepper by arrows. I tracked it by the trajectory. When they were done, I stood out there and asked to be let in. I heard a rumbling as a hatch opened. I moved over and began climbing down a ladder.

As I reached the bottom, a group of Drow approached me with their swords drawn. I told them who I was. A couple of them recognized the name and told them all about what Dagrechad and Ohtatimeáro. They welcomed me into the settlement as a hero. Since I was a Drow, they asked if I did the rite of passage. I shook my head. They looked at me weirdly. They then asked where I came from. I told them I was born in a human settlement as a slave. "I escaped after my mother was killed by my master. I never wanted to lose someone close to me again." I told them. They looked at me and showed me a place where I could stay. I thanked them. When I had been in the settlement for a week, I found myself on an empty street. I thought it was weird until there was a single drow on the street. "You will die in the name of Tholot!" he yelled as he charged me. Tholot was this world's patron god of the Drow. I charged him and knocked him out with a simple punch. "Kill Him!" I heard a voice say. I was not going to kill a cleric. I walked off from him and went to my bed.

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