"But that's not what I meant," said Jon.
"But that's what you said," replied Karyn. "Don't you know that when you make a wish, you need to be very careful how you phrase it? Never say 'make me a'. You'll be a ham sandwich before you know it."
"Fine," said Jon. "Even though it isn't a wish. Replomat, make a brunette girl for me."
"Function locked."
"All right," said Jon. "What is it this time? Replomat, was that function locked message the same as the one before it?"
The machine spoke again. "Functions locked for different reasons."
Jon looked at the stone in his hand, then said "Naaah."
"What?" replied Karyn.
"I was thinking of wishing that the Replomat obeys me. But if I'm going to do that, I may as well just wish for what I want directly... and if I'm going to do that, I may as well just stay home and wish for anything I want there. No, I'm going to do what a native of this world can do. As a last resort, maybe I'll make a wish, but only after I've tried what a person living here would try. What would someone who lives here do?"
"Try to unlock the function?" suggested Karyn.
"Sure. Replomat, what does your most recent 'function locked' mean?"