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17. Apparently, There's More Going

16. To The Nurse's Office

15. Karyn Goes to P.E. Class ... I

14. Presentation time

13. Jon Realizes There's No Wishin

12. Biff and Sarah

11. ARD - Gender Role Reversal: Jo

10. Jon Meets Up With Biff and the

9. The next day

8. Hitting the town

7. Not kidding

6. Clothes swap too

5. What if Gender Roles were reve

4. Including Karyn

3. Alternate Reality Device

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

ARD - Gender Role Reversal: What's Happening Sunday?

avatar on 2017-06-07 13:48:31

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Maybe it was because she got hit in the head, that she was thinking slower than usual (of course, she had many reasons to be distracted, given the situation she was in), but it wasn't until she was being examined by the nurse that she realized what Mrs. Bracken had said. She needed Karyn to be ready for Sunday? What was happening Sunday? According to Sarah, the football game was tomorrow - Saturday. And she was already feeling overwhelmed by that.

"Is there something important happening on Sunday?" she blurted out.

The nurse looked surprised. "Are you having memory problems?" he asked her, writing something down on a clipboard.

"Maybe," she lied. "I know tomorrow is the football game, but what's happening on Sunday?"

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