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27. School daze

26. School

25. At home

24. Ride home

23. success...sort of

22. Avoidance and Confessions

21. Another break down

20. Searching for the necklace

19. Freaking out

18. The next morning

17. Afternoon and evening

16. At the lake

15. Hiking and Swimming

14. In the morning

13. Share a tent with Mikey

12. They arrive at the camp site

11. The trip begins

10. Friday at School

9. An uneventful week

8. At home that night

School daze

on 2020-08-04 22:39:24
Episode last modified by thisguy10101 on 2020-08-04 22:40:35

1912 hits, 163 views, 1 upvotes.

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School went uneventfully for the siblings. Mikey was wondering what his evening would be like and Jon was trying to come with what the necklace was doing to help Mikey.
Jon liked puzzles, and wanted to figure it out without the rock if he could. The rock was the answer key to everything, and while he could do that, it felt a little like cheating. He wanted to be like Sherlock Holmes and solve the case on his own. Beside, it would be a good way to spend an evening or two with Karyn. She could use a distraction. They had been going over different ways to get her back to her normal self. Fortunately, it seems like reality changed to make it so that no one noticed her change but Jon and her. Her clothing changed to accommodate her larger size. Her mother seemed to be affected as well. But she was otherwise the same. It seems like the rock changed as little as possible to get the wish done.
The only wish they could agree on was that they were know all future wishes from the rock. It had only been about a week, but so far no troubles from that wish. Again, the rock seemed lazy, but that could work for Jon and Karyn.
After the last period, but before the buses loaded, Krista, Diane, Molly, Heather and Vicky were by the bathroom by the time Mikey came down the hall. He was not as excited as the girls were about this plan. He was also finally getting back into talking about pokemon cards and legos with his male friends, Davis and Henry. He told his friends he would meet them on the bus in a bit, he just has to use the restroom. Henry made farting noises and he and Davis walked to the bus.
When they thought no one was looking, all 6 of the girl scouts ducked into the bathroom. There were about 8 stalls. No one was inside the bathroom. They decided that 2 girls would be lookout, 2 would be pretending to use the bathroom and Mikey and Molly would go into a stall and do the trade.
"Well Mikey, had over the necklace. A promise is a promise. Girls scouts honor their word, and you are one of them," lectured Molly. She seems a little nervous that Mikey would back out.
"Molly, I'll do it. Don't worry. Just please be careful with it. I know it's Krista's, but I really need it."
"I'll take care of it until I give it back to you tomorrow. Maybe we can do it at recess, just after lunch?"
"The sooner the better."
"I want to see if classes are different for boys."
"Is this at all related to gym class tomorrow morning?"
"Molly, we shouldn't look at eachothers private parts."
"But at that time, you'll be a girl and I'll be a boy, so nothing will be odd."
"Fine Molly. Let's get this over with."
With that, Mikey pulled off the necklace and felt the shutter. His pants felt a little tighter around his legs and he could feel the cool air on his shoulders with the shirt he was not not wearing a few moment ago.
Molly put the necklace on quickly. She got a bit shorter, and so did her hair. Her hair that was down to her shoulderblades now we almost a crew cut. He skirt became shorts and her knee high socks became ankle socks.
"This is great!" said Molly as she came out of the stall.
The girls, and Molly, left the bathroom in succession, signalling the coast was clear.
Mikey let them run ahead. Diane looked back and then turned to catch up to her other friends, before they parted ways to the buses home.
Mikey went onto his bus and sat by Henry and Davis.
"Hey Michele, we thought you fell in." said Henry. At least his humor didn't change with Mikey's gender.
"Very funny Henry," said Mikey.
"You know, because you sit down," said Henry.
"I get it Henry."
The ride home was still mainly about legos, which helped Mikey feel better. Seems like being a girl may not be so bad, if he can still play the same games and use the same toys. He could still go camping too.

Jon got onto the bus and saw Michele sitting with her usual buddies towards the front of the bus and he was going to the back with Karyn. Krista and Monroe were sitting together like usual too. Curiouser and curiouser. Thought Jon. So,they aren't trying to sit near her, so it can't make her socially irresistible to girl scouts. Maybe he could ask a few more questions when they got off the bus and walked into their house.
"Did you notice that Michele looks a little uncomfortable in her clothes? She keeps trying to cover her shoulders with her partial sleeves and trying to adjust her pants. It's like she isn't comfortable," observed Karyn
"How did you notice that?, " asked Jon, a little bit jealous
"Elementary, my dear Watson," and with that she pointed at her chest briefly.
"Case closed," replied John.
Now that narrowed it down. There was some kind of physical change going on. The question was, what is it?

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