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97. Kenneth Gets It

96. Kenneth II

95. Kenneth

94. Sam and Theo

93. Attraction

92. Album Results

91. Demonstrate

90. Explain

89. Album Release

88. Interview

87. First Album

86. Band Activity

85. Punk Rock

84. Hypno Tails

83. Prepare for Future

82. Play Along

81. Leave

80. New Knights

79. Dancing

78. Second Gala

Diplomacy at Gunpoint

avatar on 2020-07-22 20:14:11

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Kenneth got the gun and pointed it at her. "Get the fuck out of our home!" he hissed.

They could hear the moans and creaks of the bed inside Sam's room.

She glared at them and said "This shit isn't over! We know where you fucking live now."

He said "This isn't where we live. This is a friend's house. We use it sometimes when he's out of town." She narrowed her eyes and raised her hands.

"Fine. I am going to love hunting you down between leaves of duty from the base." she said as she walked to the door.

She opened it and walked out the door. Kenneth followed her out and to the stairwell. They walked down the steps together and he had the gun trained on her until she left the front door. He took the gun and tossed it into the incinerator.

"Damn it! We're going to have to do something about this!" he said to himself. He than ran up to his apartment and locked himself inside.

He texted on his phone for Theo to come to the room as soon as he got the message. He then got his own gun and waited for his brother to return. At some point, he fell asleep. In the morning, Theo was still not home. He sucked his teeth and got dressed.

"God damn it, Theo!" he said to himself.

He had his gun pointed down as he checked the hallway to see if it was clear. He knocked on the door. When he did not get a response, he tried a text on his phone. He could hear the ping in the room. Kenneth rolled his eyes and opened the door.

"Really? You didn't check your phone all night!?" he snapped.

It swung open, and he quickly walked in to make sure it was clear. It was clear and he sighed. He put the gun in a thigh holster and went to the bedroom. He opened the door and saw the four of them sleeping. He walked over to Theo and poked his cheek. Theo woke up immediately.

"Come with me." he whispered. Theo untangled himself and saw the gun on his hip. He immediately fell into a crouch.

They left the bedroom and Theo got dressed. Kenneth nodded his head toward the door. They exited the apartment and sighed.

"Listen. At least one of those girls were Players."

Theo narrowed his eyes and said "That's impossible! They can't fucking exist. He said they were immortal and had more power than us."

Kenneth nodded and said "I know." Theo looked at his face and saw his brother was not lying. He shuddered in fear.

"We can't just leave Sam in there! He's in danger." he said.

Kenneth said "We all need to change rooms. They know about this apartment. They are in the Army." Hearing that, Theo turned back to the apartment.

Kenneth stopped him. "You can't. If they are not Players, you'll commit murder. If they are you'll bring immortals with a grudge down on us." Theo pushed him off.

"Remember what Father said!?" Kenneth prompted with a stern look. Theo looked down. Kenneth gave him a shove.

"Do you!?" he demanded.

Theo looked up and said "Of course I do. But if Sam dies, I will never forgive you." There was nothing left to say after something like that.

They went for a walk to the park and spent some time there. After a couple hours passed, Theo took out his phone and called Sam. He picked up and said "That was fucking great! We went, what, three rounds each! And that switch off... the best fucking way to lose our virginity."

"Where the hell are they!? Did they leave?" he demanded.

Sam said "Yeah, man. They left a bit after you did. What happened? Did they steal something from you or something?"

Kenneth snatched the phone and said "Listen. I need you to get dressed and get out of there. It's really not safe anymore. The girl with me pulled a gun on me!"

"Shit! Really!? Damn, I'll get out of here and meet you at the corner store. Jeff can get us all reassigned to another floor or something." he said in a panic.

The brothers could hear him put the phone on speakerphone, get up and put his clothes on. He then got out of the apartment. Kenneth and Theo made their own way to the corner store. When they finally met, they shared a hug and Sam sighed in relief.

"So how did it go with you!? Why did she pull a gun on you? Did you... take it too fast, maybe?" Kenneth really had to take a breath and take a step back. He almost punched his lights out.

"If you really think I'd just go and rape someone, you better keep that shit to yourself."

Sam left his hands in his pockets. "Never! But... we were fine. We fucked both of them twice. Anal and regular." Theo got in the middle.

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