Unfortunately for Jon, fate wasn't about to make things easier. Even as he and Karyn discussed how to deal with the 'truth' of his identity, the boyfriend who Jen had made her melancholy wish over was feeling quite relieved.
Adam Ridder's family had been planning to move because of a promotion his father was lined up to recieve. However, one of his father's superiors back at his old location had quit abruptly over a salary dispute merely days before. After some deliberation the higher-ups decided that Mr. Ridder would be better suited remaining there, so even as the Ridders arrived to look for a new house in advance of their move, they were told that they didn't have to worry about it and put on the first flight home.
Needless to say, the 17 year old Ridder son was quite happy at the thought of being with his dearly-missed girlfriend again. While others may think that she was nothing special, too plain, or tomboyish, he liked her just the way she was. While they were already on the road home, Adam couldn't help but recall how disappointed Jen had been when she learned he was moving away, and so decided to give her a call right then to let her know he'd be back in town that very night, to stay!