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35. Offspring

34. Backfire

33. Capture Rose City

32. New Kingdom

31. Begin Siege

30. Mercenary Contract

29. Honey Village

28. Siege Defense

27. Chivalric Order

26. Blessing

25. Bandit Fort

24. Exile

23. Lancelot Continues

22. Lancelot

21. Log Off

20. He Keeps Them

19. Tybalt Collapses

18. Satisfy Hunger

17. Return to the City

16. Time Out

New Demigods

avatar on 2020-07-10 13:36:42

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Personally, I would not normally watch something like a childbirth, let alone two back to back. But what Suzie said stuck with me. Like it or not, I had to admit I really liked the chimeras. If I couldn't be there for Reiner, I could at least be there for these two. The two closed their eyes as if they were focusing. We could see their bellies expand further and udders stick out from under them. The stable hand looked shocked at what he say. He was speechless. I could barely believe it myself as it happened. There was a growing realization that this was going to be really unnatural. The stable hand looked at me and I gulped. "Help them do what you need to do." I said. He blinked and got to work. I stood by and watched. When it happened, I nearly threw up. Giving birth was disgusting and I turned so I would not be able to see. It took a couple of hours to get it all done. The children were bloody and standing on wobbly legs. Tybalt's offspring had a golden barrel and tail. It was also intersex. Elis had a son with a white barrel and tail. Both offspring had the sky blue eyes of Lancelot.

Both of them were mirror images of their parent's human form, aside from the eyes. "I made sure my offspring had affinities for all magic and resistance to all magic as well. What about you?" Tybalt said with pride. His chest was puffed out. Elis, in a prideful stance of his own, said "My offspring is resistant to all physical damage and proficient in all weapons." I looked at them and said "You were only able to do that? I thought you two were going to give them all of the advantage." "We were, but you wanted us to give birth now. We had to skip steps and rush the job. We were incubating to give them as much vitality as he did, but it was so much that it was hard to even comprehend. That did take pretty much all this time, and we were still not even a third of the way done. We had to abandon that and promote other things. The ability to influence the world and other creatures was something that was a must for us to include. Absorbing others and shifting from their true form was the first thing we passed down to them." I looked at them to get a closer look.

In the game, the highest level a Player could reach was 999+. Sages were given the ability to have the rank of 1111, but it came with severe restrictions. They could not harm NPCs at all. A sage got around this big limitation by having an elite guard of NPCs that they designed protect them and did their bidding. Anyone with the rank of 1000 or higher was considered a deity. The gods and goddesses of the main churches worshiped in Ether were all Level 20000. To make it fair, they had restrictions as well. They could only interact with mortals using avatars. Non hostile avatars could range from 1-100. Hostile avatars could range from 200-300. Apocalyptic avatars were from 500-600 unless facing an enemy higher that that. At that point, a Level 999 avatar will spawn. The developer's logs said Apocalyptic avatars could wipe settlements off the map. It also had a passage on Lancelot. I remember it making me roll my eyes. Because the highest a player could be was 999, he wanted to be 10-10-10. That meant Lancelot was Level 101,010. It was a completely insane power.

The two offspring were both Level 22446. Not only were they divine, but they were stronger than all the major gods. I looked up and saw two bright stars in the sky shine down on us. The stable hand looked stunned before he fell to his knees. He began to pray and the chimeras looked at him in confusion. I pulled them aside and explained what was going on. They looked even more proud. Elis reverted to human form and said "I want to celebrate this with you. Even if they are not enough to kill Lancelot, we can easily conquer the continent." He turned so his back was flush with my chest. I could feel his purring resonate throughout my whole body. When he took both my hands and rested them on his hips, it was obvious what he wanted. Tybalt shifted and growled. "Get off Elis. He's mine." he warned. Elis paid him no mind and said "I've known him longer and I've claimed him a long time ago. Even Reiner knows he's mine." Tybalt grew claws and said "He spoils you. I won't and I'm stronger, so get lost." The purring stopped and Elis glared at him angrily.

Seeing the potential for it to get out of hand, I had to stop it. I wrapped my arms around Elis's waist. "You two already know that I am in love with Suzie. I won't be having sex with anyone but her." I said. They both whined and I felt Elis try to wiggle free. "You can't be serious right now. I like Suzie too, but we're way stronger and better than her. You should fucking like us more." Tybalt complained. I shrugged and let Elis go. "I'm not the type of guy that would make a choice like that based on strength. I think Suzie is a great person and I like being around her." The stable hand interrupted us. He cleared his throat and said "It's time to wash them off. It's not healthy to keep a newborn covered in blood and the remnants of the afterbirth." I was glad for the distraction and they focused on washing them off. I used the gap to sneak off and go back to the keep. The conversation was getting tense and a bit awkward. By the time I returned to where I left Reiner and Suzie, they were both already up and talking by the mayor's chair. They seemed to be having a friendly conversation.

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