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28. Siege Defense

27. Chivalric Order

26. Blessing

25. Bandit Fort

24. Exile

23. Lancelot Continues

22. Lancelot

21. Log Off

20. He Keeps Them

19. Tybalt Collapses

18. Satisfy Hunger

17. Return to the City

16. Time Out

15. Aftermath

14. Observe Fight

13. Flee!

12. Search Party

11. Chimera

10. Macey's Task

9. First Quest

Bandit Assault

avatar on 2020-07-09 01:14:54

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Dandelion City was about a day away by horse. They had enough money to get a building contract and the weapons for the armory. Reiner shifted into centaur form and Suzie got on his back. They left the fort and the rest of us were inside to defend the fort. I was curious about what the others were planning. When I asked them, they smiled at me."We absorb the genetic material of others and use it to make us stronger." Tybalt said. I nodded and waited for them to continue. Elis nodded and continued the explanation. He said "When Lancelot was filling us with his cum, we used it to get stronger. He overwhelmed us and made us cum." "I know. I saw it happen to you guys." I said. They frowned and Tybalt said "If you want to be an asshole about, we don't have to tell you anything." I apologized and asked them to continue. Tybalt glared at me before sucking his teeth. He looked side to side as if sharing a secret. He said "He came in our pussies. We absorbed what we could. We have complete control of our bodies, so we used the excess to get pregnant."

Both chimeras were smirking. "He is a strong master. We are going to use the properties of his DNA and mix it with ours to create offspring strong enough to defeat him. Even now, I can barely believe how strong he was. His vitality is beyond any mortal. He even has the power to create new spells using his mind. Our children are going to fight him and win." Elis said proudly. "With magic and damage resistance and affinities for all types of magic, it is going to be easy. We just have to give birth and raise them." Tybalt added. It seemed they had a plan. "Is that why you two need to keep this form?" I asked. They nodded and I shrugged. I did not know if it would work or not but it was interesting. I wished them luck and went about my day. The early morning came and with it was a raid. Several Level 55 bandits stormed the fort and we had to repel them. There were several waves of the raid. The fighting was long and hard. We killed dozens of them that day. When it was done, we took a rest before we cleared out the bodies from the fort.

I was Level 24 and it was pretty good. Reiner and Suzie returned two days later. They had a group of builders and a wagon of weapons in tow. The builders spent a week to reinforce the walls. We also stocked up the armory. I was pleased that the loot from the raid was pretty good. I put the money into the treasury and scavenged the weapons they dropped. The builders were finished and left after they were paid. That allowed for more upgrades. In the treasury, there was a 201,000 lin. We decided to renovate the dungeon and barracks with the money. I decided to go out this time with Reiner. He held his hands behind his head. I rolled my eyes and we walked to the city at an easy pace. On the way there, we were set upon by five Level 52 bandits lead by a Level 62 leader. I told Reiner not to kill them. He looked confused but agreed. We beat them to an inch of their lives and then spared all of them. "Hey. What's your name?" I asked the leader. His name was Kadin. I offered him and the others to join the order and he agreed. "Go to the fort and wait for us." I said.

We went to the city and made the contracts with a blacksmith and some carpenters. The blacksmith had his three sons with him to assist in the work he would do for us. The carpenters were all brothers. When we were on the way back to the fort, a group of ten bandits stopped us. We beat them and gave them the same offer. They took the offers, and followed us to the fort. When we made it back, the other six bandits were there as well. "Hey! Let us in the fort. They said we can't come in!" Kadin said. I nodded and lead everyone in. Suzie was upset. "Why the hell are we letting bandits in here!?" she asked. "We need members and we spawn Level 50 and up people all the time. We can take them on and use our members to take territory." She gave me a look as if she did not think it would work at all. "This is your order. Do what you want." she said. I nodded and took my sword and took the two bandit leaders. I made them take the same pledge we did. I dubbed them knights and made them Standard Bearers. The others were knights.

This raised our ranks to twenty one. The bandits turned knights slept in the barracks. The carpenters made beds for everyone and the blacksmith and his sons got to work. It took another week, but everything turned out fine. I made an offer to keep the blacksmith on staff. There was a forge in the fort. The offer was too low for him. I looked at his sons and the third son leapt up to take the job. I looked at the father. "Do you vouch for him?" I asked. A moment passed before he said "Wendel is a journeyman. He can make nails, blades and horseshoes. If it's not too fancy, he can do it." I nodded and said "You got the job." The second son looked jealous. The carpenters and the three left together. Reiner, Elis, Tybalt, Suzie and I were planning our next move. The nearest fort was Fort Ironscythe to the north. It was also occupied by bandits. Honey Village was nearby to the south as well. The city was eastward, but it would take much more men and firepower to take a city. The question was where to go first. We were on a roll and we needed momentum.

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