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14. Jon Changes

13. The world follows suit...

12. elf.

11. Zoe changes the world.

10. School Dazed...

9. The next magickal morning...

8. Those Wacky Wiccan Teens

7. I bet you didn't see this comi

6. But by coincidence....

5. But first...

4. Making Sense of Things

3. A Little Sanity?

2. A slip of the tongue...

1. You Are What You Wish

Brown Widow Jon

avatar on 2020-07-07 15:24:57

1341 hits, 143 views, 1 upvotes.

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As Jon lifted her up, they both realized that he had eight legs instead of two. Jon freaked out as he saw that he was a brown widow spider from the torso down. His new spider abdomen was brown with black spots. His legs were thin and brown as well.

"What is going on and what the hell is this!?" he snapped as he looked over his shoulder.

"It has to be part of what Zoe was wishing about." Karyn said.

"We need to find her and get that stone back." Jon agreed.

Jon began walking at a faster pace due to the length and quantity of his legs and quickly got ahead of Karyn. She whistled at him to get his attention and stopped. He balked when he saw the difference between them. She jogged in order catch up to him. It was not long for her to do so.

"You got way faster than before." he remarked.

She rolled her eyes and said "You too."

Jon made the conscious effort to look for his sister but he could not see her.

Karyn's nose twitched and said "She can't be far off! I can smell her nearby here. She smells kind of different though."

Jon stopped to look at her and asked what she meant.

"I don't know for sure. Follow me." she shrugged as she took the lead.

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