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46. After Mission

45. End of Mission

44. Continue Mission

43. Begin Mission

42. Hero's Hall

41. Malcolm

40. Name Children

39. Navy Life

38. Promotion

37. Moving On

36. Try Harder

35. Accept

34. End of Dance

33. Two Alphas

32. Impregnate

31. Continue

30. Take Advantage

29. Refuse

28. Please Felix

27. More Dancing


avatar on 2020-06-27 16:58:06

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I was shaken awake by Finn. I lost consciousness from the pain of the crash landing. "How long have I been out?" I asked him. He looked down at me and said "I have been trying to wake you for five minutes. Be careful moving around the cockpit. We can't risk aggravating any injuries." he warned. I nodded and got back into position. I focused and I was still connected to the cockpit. That was a good sign. I accessed the gun rack and medical supply rack. Blood was flowing into my eyes. "Shit, it stings bad! Finn!" I yelped. Finn asked what was wrong. I told him and he said "I noticed the gash already. You'll live." I would have rolled my eyes if they did not sting so fucking badly. "Listen to me. Get the flare guns, pistols and all the ammo for the guns we're going to take with us. Put it in a duffel bag and fill another with medical supplies. Bandages and gauze are necessary. Alcohol too." I instructed. He grunted and got to work. I rubbed the blood away and kept pressure on it until he handed some gauze and bandages. I took first aid in the academy and the Red Cross training in the real world.

Now that I was properly bandaged, I opened the cockpit. It was broken and only opened halfway. We had to push it the rest of the way to fully open. Getting out of the cockpit was simple enough. None of my limbs were disabled and aside from being really sore and winded, I was fine. Two Battle mechas descended and landed in front of us. The cockpit hatches opened and they got out. Suzie and an Omega female looked at us in relief. I was also really happy to see them. "Brian went down. He's gone." Suzie said with a frown. She was holding a suitcase and tapped it with her left hand. We turned to her and the female Omega asked what it was for. Suzie simply crouched on the ground and opened it. It had some outfits for both men and women. "Wear these. We have to get out of the flight suits." she instructed as she began to get undressed. We all followed her lead. When we were naked, we saw her knot was engorged. We were all horny to one degree or another after all that fighting and flying. "Before we get dressed, anyone want a ride?" she joked.

We all rolled our eyes as we picked outfits. The girls had dark gray sundresses and sunhats. The boys had white shorts and gray polo shirts. "Throw the flight suits in the escape pod. There should be some gasoline in there to burn it down. Go in there and pick out what you want." I said. Suzie went in and pulled out a shotgun and some ammo. The female Omega splashed the Gasoline around and asked for a match. Finn fired a flare in there. The whole thing went up in flames. "What do we do now?" the female Omega asked. Suzie shrugged. "Get in a shootout and die, I guess. We were never assured a way back." Finn and her both glared at Suzie. I thought about it and came up with an idea. "Yejolli." I said. They all looked at me. "We have to find a way back to Yejolli. Wendalia pays them lots of money to keep the river access open for us. As soon as we step foot in Yejolli, we can call them to pick us up. We are all officers and knights. There is no way we would be abandoned if we made a call to home base." I explained myself to them.

Everyone thought on it before nodding. There was full agreement among the group. Suzie and the female Omega, whose name was Kate, got back in their mechas. It had the GPS and map to be able to get us to the end of the forest. Finn and I were carried on their arms. It took a few hours to get to the edge of the forest. There was a parking lot with some cars in the lot. Looking up at the sky, it was mid afternoon. Suzie and Kate got out and all of their belongings were taken with them. We walked into the parking lot. Suzie went along and tried to open the driver's seat doors of the cars. A pale yellow sedan opened up and she jumped in. There were no keys in the ignition, but she called Kate over. "Here. You can handle this, right?" she said. Kate frowned bitterly as Suzie smirked at her. She pushed Suzie out of the way. It took her five minutes to hotwire the car. We hopped in the car and Suzie drove us. We hat to stop at a gas station to check the map. Once Suzie and I saw it, it was available in the menu. She was able to drive us to a motel along the way.

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