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44. Continue Mission

43. Begin Mission

42. Hero's Hall

41. Malcolm

40. Name Children

39. Navy Life

38. Promotion

37. Moving On

36. Try Harder

35. Accept

34. End of Dance

33. Two Alphas

32. Impregnate

31. Continue

30. Take Advantage

29. Refuse

28. Please Felix

27. More Dancing

26. Suzie

25. The Gala

The Response

avatar on 2020-06-27 13:27:12

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We stayed over the now burning city and waited for the Mechas from Cadini to come and engage us. I wondered why we could not just leave here now. It would have the same effect. The only thing this would accomplish is weaken them further. Maybe Wendalia would also have interests in this faction in the future. Regardless, I was feeling much better. Finn reached down and pulled the the blades from the leg holsters. That released even more weight. He brandished them while I moaned again, and even longer this time. If it kept going on like this, I might cum in my fight suit. It took 10 minutes before the first platoon of Battle mechas appeared in the sky. They did not waste time talking and instead began engaging us with blades of their own. It was thirty on one, but Finn was cutting through them one by one with his blades. They put up a fight and I felt the shock waves as they scored hits on us. As I was connected directly into the mecha. I felt it on my body when a part was damaged. Which was why Detachment and Safeguard were crucial Durability skills.

Finn defeated half of the platoon single handedly before we were hit in the back with an anti-mecha cannon. I lost my breath when I felt it slam into me. I looked around us to see what hit us. It came from bellow us on street level. I called it in and the three Battle mechas on our side were deployed to deal with them. It was also the trigger for our frigate off the coast to explode. There were to be no loose ends on this mission. Everyone on board would die from the explosion or drown in the sea. We were from here to fight with reckless abandon until the Elite mecha was critically damage and kamikaze the city. The Battle mecha were then to storm the cockpit and ensure the destruction of the bodies. From there, they would be on their own. I was not going to die for real as I was a Player. Finn was a NPC and he could permanently die. I was not going to let that happen either. I cared about him and the Pretty Boys. We suffered moderate damage from the fighting. "Finn, don't take such an big offensive stance. I want this to last a bit longer. Is that okay with you?" I asked him.

He was the one fighting them after all. He grunted softly, and that was all I got from him. Finn adopted a defensive stance and drew some of them in for close combat. It was a new tactic complying with my request. Three rushed to engage us and Finn parried them all. He did wind up getting hacked and slashed, but he gave as good as he got. Finn was focused as he piloted. When he leaned forward in his zeal, I felt his hard-on grind up against my ass. He panted as the friction felt good. I was also feeling it as my tail wrapped around him. He gave a small gasp, but continued fighting. Finn was able to defeat the platoon with the help of the allied Battle mechas. They took out all of the anti-mecha cannons on the ground level. It was great and we did not lose a single mecha. When the last of the platoon went down, I knew that the real battle was about to begin. Finn was starting to get tired out and sighed. I was also pretty tired from the blowback and operating the mecha. That was when a cherry red and light gray Elite mecha appeared with Hummingbird Wings. I knew we were outclassed.

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