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26. Suzie

25. The Gala

24. Rematch

23. Log Off

22. Commission

21. Skill Allocation

20. Super Feats

19. Lose Challenge

18. Claude

17. More Challenges.

16. Leveling

15. Abstain

14. Victorious

13. The First Battle

12. Days Pass

11. Breeding

10. Form Faction

9. Omega Focus

8. Arriving at Academy

7. Skill Tree(Alpha)

Alpha Female

avatar on 2020-06-24 17:47:00

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Suzie was standing before me with a smile on her face. She was looking exactly like she did in all the pictures she sent me. I was shocked but it was true that she was in front of me. She must have found a way to get into the royal academy. It was the only way for her to get all the way to Level 10 before I would be sent away. She looked great in her military outfit and that was hot. "How are you doing, David?" she said. I smiled back and said "I am a Level 16 Switch Prime. You? I think you would make a great Alpha." Suzie nodded and said "A Level 12 Alpha Prime. What did you put your stars in? I can see the tail." I told her and she looked very interested. When I was all done, I got a nice wolf whistle from her. It got me quite a bit of looks from the others around us. It did not bother me a single bit. She told me what she allocated all her stars in. She had a smile as she told me anything. She spent 14 stars in order to max out Flash Step. That meant that she was very hard to hit as well as had a multi hit attack. That left her 8 stars.

For the Alpha trees she put two in Accuracy, three in Laser and one in Rocket. She also put a star in Punch and Evade. She then whispered the Super Skills she gained with her stars to me. The Super Skill trees did not have any restrictions due to the restrictive matter of getting one for every 10 levels. That was how I got my prehensile tail along with the other skills. She had one star in Senses. She made her hearing better. She put three stars each in Ki and Blast. A star was in Pheromones and one was in Repulsion. I also had a star in Alpha Pheromones. She leaned forward and whispered "I also put two stars in Knot." I gasped and looked at her crotch almost on reflex. I was wondering why she was the only girl wearing pants. "Yeah. I'm packing heat!" she smirked. I could only chuckle in response as she gave him a small pelvic thrust. I did not see a problem with it. I put a womb in my ass. I offered my hand to her and said "Would you like the first dance, Miss?" She took my hand and smiled. "I would definitely love to dance with you. Let's go."

We went to the center of the dance floor. It was not like either of us were shy about things. We looked over at the musicians in the orchestra. They perked up and began a waltz. "Are you ready?" I asked her as I put a hand on her right waist and held Suzie's left hand with my right. She smirked as she said "Yeah. I will let you take the lead. This time." I rolled my eyes and the minigame began. We danced and spun around the dance floor gracefully. I was having a lot of fun. Suzie smiled and I thought that she was having fun as well. We had the entire attention of the people in attendance. I got a 97% accuracy rate. I had the massive advantage of everything being slowed down for me to complete the steps. Suzie was a great dancer out right. She liked to show me videos of her dancing in her house. I especially enjoyed her more sexy dances. At the end of the dance, everyone clapped for the two of us. We both bowed formally to the crowd. I had a 84%. That was a pretty good score. It also inspired others to come to the floor to dance as well.

The dances were fun. I danced another waltz with Suzie before it became a foxtrot. I did not like them and I told Suzie. She chuckled and we left the dance floor together for the buffet. We ate some of the finger food and began to talk about our experiences. Suzie had an Omega Loko partner that she piloted with. I was about to tell her about the Pretty Boys when they appeared at my side. I introduced them all, though she was only interested in Dusty. They began talking when a swing dance began. It was pretty upbeat. The older and more conservative of the guests vacated the floor. Leo dragged me onto the dance floor and smirked at me as he put his hands on my hips. "You seem eager to dance. I saw you loving swing dances during the lessons. Try it with me." he said. I agreed and the minigame began. The swing dances were a lot faster and had a lot of lifts and jumps. Leo took the lead and I enjoyed being lifted. He got an 87% and I got a 91% accuracy. Finn pulled me from Leo without a word and I danced with him when he gave me a playful smirk.

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